High-energy, high-repetition-rate ultraviolet pulses from an efficiency-enhanced, frequency-tripled

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahongxin2009
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In this study, a high-energy, temporally shaped picosecond ultraviolet (UV) laser running at 100 Hz is demonstrated, with its pulses boosted to 120 mJ by cascaded regenerative and double-pass amplifiers, resulting in a gain of more than 108. With precise manipulation and optimization, the amplified laser pulses were flat-top in the temporal and spatial domains to maintain high filling factors, which significantly improved the conversion efficiency of the subsequent third harmonic generation (THG). Finally, 91 mJ, 470 ps pulses were obtained at 355 nm, corresponding to a conversion efficiency as high as 76%, which, as far as we are aware of, is the highest THG efficiency for a high-repetition-rate picosecond laser. In addition, the energy stability of the UV laser is better than 1.07% (root mean square), which makes this laser an attractive source for a variety of fields including laser conditioning and micro-fabrication.
光激射器(laser)和微波激射器(maser )这两个术语, 是可互换地用来描述产生微波、红外到可见光范围内相干电磁辐射的新型量子电子器件。这些词是“光的受激辐射放大”(light amplification of Stimulated emission of radiation)和受激辐射的“分子放大”(molecularamplifkation)两短语的英文字首缩拼, 虽然按其用法现在最好用“光激射器”称呼红外和可见光范围的器件, 用“微波激射器”称呼微波和毫米波范围的器件, 但在本文中这两个词是可
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