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一广西的左江流域有许多先民留下来的岩画遗迹。“目前已发现的共计84点183处。”其中以宁明花山最为典型和著名。就全国范围来说,已发现有岩画的十二个省市自治区中也“深深感到花山崖壁画规模之大,宏篇巨制,为国内仅见。”宁明花山岩画,位于左江支流的明江石岸,去宁明县城二十五公里。“花山高离水面二百五十米,临江那面是一大扇石壁,著名的花山壁画就在这大壁上。画幅长一百三十五米,高四十四米,有人物一千三百多个。画像距山脚最高四十米,最矮二米,以五至二十米高处画像最多。”花山岩画应是以当地所产的赤铁矿为颜料,以牛胶或树胶、牛血、牛乳为调和剂,再用简单易制的刷子画上去的。在这样高的石灰岩峭壁上是怎样画上去的呢?对此,我们现在很难作出一个十分准确的答复,但可以作各式各样的推测:如由上以绳悬吊,或趁水位高涨时等等。我以为当时岩壁下可能有不少大树,人在树上架屋即所谓的“巢居”,然后从这些“干栏”式房子上再设法作画也是很可能的。岩画以人物为主,这是世界五大洲所有岩画的通例,但花山岩画更为突出。壁面布满大小不等层层叠叠的正、侧面人物共计一千三百多个,此外附以少数的动物和器物。正面人物“最大一人高约2.4——2.6米,一般高度多在1.4——1.8米之间。也有一些较小的正身人像分布于大正身人像的左右两侧的上下方。”侧面人像较正面者多。但形体较小,一般在60——80厘米之间,最大不超过1.5公 A left-river rock remnant left in Guangxi’s Zuo River basin. “Has been found in a total of 84 points and 183.” Among them, the most typical and famous Ningming Huashan. Across the country, 12 provinces and municipalities that have discovered rock paintings have also “deeply felt the large-scale murals of Huashan Cliffs and the huge mega-structures that are only visible domestically.” Ningming Huashan Rock Paintings, Mingjiang River, Rocky shore, to Ningming County twenty-five kilometers. “Huashanao is about 250 meters above the surface of the water and Linjiang is a large stone wall on that side. The famous Huashan mural is on this big wall, with a length of one hundred and thirty-five meters and a height of forty-four meters. More than 300. The portrait from the foot of the highest 40 meters, the shortest two meters to five meters to 20 meters portrait most. ”Huashan rock paintings should be locally produced hematite pigment, Gum, bovine blood, milk as a reconcile, and then use a simple and easy to draw the brush up. How can we draw on such a high limestone cliff? In this regard, we can hardly make a very accurate answer now, but we can make all kinds of speculations: if the rope is hung from above or while the water level is rising And so on. I thought at that time there might be many huge trees under the rock walls. People would like to hang out in the trees, and then painting from these “dry-bar” houses is also possible. The petroglyphs are mainly people, which is the common practice of all petroglyphs on five continents, but Huashan petroglyphs are more prominent. There are over 1,300 full-size front and side figures on the wall, in addition to a handful of animals and artifacts. The frontal figure “is about 2.4-2.6 meters in height and 1.4-1.8 meters in height, with some smaller orthopedic figures located on the left and right sides of the Dzinah Portrait.” More. But the smaller form, usually between 60 - 80 cm, the maximum does not exceed 1.5 public
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