一、前言该区二叠系巴音河群和诺音河群,是杨遵仪等于1958年创立的,取名于乌兰县泽令沟北—伊克毕却司附近的巴音河与诺音河。当时建立的内容是“巴音河统主要为灰岩夹石英砂岩,产:Schwagerina,Verbeekina,Polydiexodina,Echinoconchus,Dielasma,Pu- nctospirifer,Streptorhychus等化石,厚30.4米。诺音河统为砂岩夹泥灰岩,产:Lept- odus tenuis,Derbya magna,Buxtonia costato-concentrica等上二叠统的标准化石,厚 42.7米”。并且认为“巴音河统大致与华南的阳新统相当,诺音河统与乐平统相对比”。
I. Preface The Permian Bayinhe Group and the Connaught River Group in the area were created by Yang Zunyi equal to 1958 and named after Baying River and Norin River. At that time the establishment of the content is “Bayinhei mainly limestone sand quartz sandstone production: Schwagerina, Verbeekina, Polydiexodina, Echinoconchus, Dielasma, Pu-nctospirifer, Streptorhychus other fossils, 30.4 meters thick. Marlite, produced: Leptodus tenuis, Derbya magna, Buxtonia costato-concentrica and other Permian standard fossils, 42.7 meters thick. And that ”Bayinhe system generally comparable with the Yangsan South China, Connaught River and the Leping system compared."