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王景明,男,汉族,新疆乌鲁木齐市人。1981年参军,在新疆军区测绘大队政治处电影组任放映员,军地两用人才美术教师。1984年转业,任乌鲁木齐市卡子湾水泥厂中学美术教师,1985年调入乌鲁木齐市头屯河区文化馆工作至今。毕业于新疆师范大学美术系国画专业,群文系列中级馆员职称,群众文化美术干部。新疆军区军旅画院国画家、乌鲁木齐市摄影家协会会员,作品多次在全国及自治区、市美术作品展上获奖。作品《乡村理发师》获2009年自治区文化厅庆祝建国60周年“群星耀天山”美术作品展金奖;《岁月》获优秀作品奖;作品《卖羊人》入选参加乌鲁木齐市属机关庆祝建国60周年美术作品展;作品《和田老人》、《伙计》、《天山深处》参加在山东威海举办的庆祝建国60周年全国群文系统美术作品展,荣获优秀作品奖。 Wang Jingming, male, Han nationality, Xinjiang Urumqi people. In 1981 joined the army, in the Xinjiang Military Area Surveying and Mapping Brigade Political Department Film Studio projector, military and civilian talent art teacher. He was reemployed in 1984, he was a middle school art teacher of Urumqi Kaziwan Cement Factory and transferred to Urumqi Toutunhe District Cultural Center until 1985. Graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Xinjiang Normal University, Chinese painting professional, Qun Wen series of intermediate librarian titles, the mass culture and art cadres. Xinjiang Military Region Army Painting Art painter, Urumqi Photographers Association, works many times in the national and regional, city art exhibition award. His work “Country Hairdresser” won the Gold Award of the 60th Anniversary of Founding of the PRC by the Cultural Affairs Department of the People’s Republic of China in 2009; “The Year of the Dragon” won the Gold Award of Fine Works; “Year” won the Excellent Work Award; “Sold Sheep” was selected to participate in the municipal authorities of Urumqi to celebrate the founding of the People’s Republic 60th Anniversary Art Exhibition. His works “Wada Elderly,” “Duke,” “The Tianshan Depth” participated in the National Collective Arts Exhibition that celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Weihai, Shandong Province and won the Excellent Work Award.