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15年前的今天,以邓小平同志为核心的党中央汲取历史的沉痛教训,拨乱反正,恢复重建中国的各级司法行政机关。谁都承认:这是新中国民主法制建设史上的一件大事!高度重视法制建设的彭真同志曾寄予厚望:“司法部是政法战线的宣传部、组织部、教育部、后勤部。”伴随着15年改革开放的风风雨雨,广大基层司法行政干警付出了巨大的艰辛,县级司法局成为基层民主法制建设的中流砥柱,铸就了功在当 Fifteen years ago today, the party Central Committee with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the core has learned the painful lessons of history and has all it has done to rectify and chaos the reform of the judicial and administrative organs at all levels and rebuild China. Everyone acknowledges that this is a major event in the history of the construction of democracy and legal system in New China. Comrade Peng Zhen, who attached great importance to the construction of the legal system, had great hopes: “The Ministry of Justice is the propaganda department, the organizing department, the ministry of education and the logistics department of the political and legal fronts.” "Along with the ups and downs of 15 years of reform and opening up, the grassroots judicial administrative cadres at the grassroots level have made tremendous hardships and the county-level judicial bureau has become the mainstay of the building of democracy and legal system at the grassroots level.
通过近年来农村普法宣传和法制教育,农民的法律知识得到了极大丰富,但在一些地方还存在农民 Through the publicity of legal popularization and legal education in rural
重庆时报2011-1-27报道:近日,重庆振雄实业有限责任公司董事长陈坤寿向记者透露,中国西部最大的纸品综合交易中心预计在今年10月份左右正式开业营运。 Chongqing Times 2011
<正> 新春伊始,万象更新,正值新春佳节来临之际,香港树仁学院与司法部律师司、中国人民大学合办之"中国律师课程培训班"今天举行开学典礼,我谨代表新华社香港分社致以热烈祝贺。这个班的开办为香港各有志于研究、了解、熟悉中国法律的人士提供了一个很好的机会和场所。众所周知,我国自实行改革开放的政策和把工作的着重点转移到以经济建设为中心以来,国家的建设事业得到飞速的发展。现在全国上下,东西南北都呈现一幅繁荣的景象。
旧时代人们把衙门,监获称为症房,其来源于明清两代的“三班八房”。自隋唐开始,在中央就设置了“三 People in the old times called the Yamen and supervised as the ward, w