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人学研究在我国是近年开辟的新领域,成果丰硕,意义重大。人学研究应当坚持两个原则:一是以马克思主义为指导。西方人道主义和中国传统民本思想在历史上起过重大进步作用,现在作为伦理原则也仍有积极意义,应当作为宝贵精神财富加以继承。但两者的理论基础是离开人的社会性和历史性的抽象人性论,并不能科学地解释人的本质和人的历史。只有马克思的唯物史观才第一次揭示了探求人的本质的正确途径。以马克思主义为指导,人学研究才能高屋建瓴,避免弯路和歧途。二是人学研究要密切联系当代中国实际,以马克思主义关于人的理论来理解、诠释、运用和发展科学发展观。以人为本是我们党的一贯宗旨。但广大人民的根本利益及其实现方式是历史的、具体的。只有与时俱进地准确把握现阶段人民利益的内容及其实现方式才能保证把以人为本的宗旨落到实处。人学理论建设有助于准确理解以人为本的科学发展观,必将对社会主义事业的发展作出贡献。 Human studies in our country is a new area opened up in recent years, fruitful, of great significance. Human studies should adhere to two principles: First, Marxism as a guide. Western humanitarianism and Chinese traditional people-centered thought have played a significant and progressive role in history. Now they still have positive significance as ethical principles and should be inherited as valuable spiritual wealth. However, the theoretical basis of both is to leave the social and historical theory of abstract human nature, and can not scientifically explain the nature of man and human history. Only Marx’s historical materialism revealed for the first time the correct way to seek the essence of man. Under the guidance of Marxism, human studies can build high places and avoid detours and misguided routes. Second, human studies must be closely linked with the reality of contemporary China, understand, interpret, use and develop the scientific concept of development with Marxist theory of man. People-oriented is the consistent aim of our party. However, the fundamental interests of the broad masses of people and their ways of realization are historical and concrete. Only by keeping pace with the times and accurately grasping the content of the interests of the people at present and how they can be achieved can we ensure that the people-oriented principle is implemented in a down-to-earth manner. The construction of human learning theory helps to accurately understand the people-oriented scientific concept of development and will certainly contribute to the development of the socialist cause.