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话题背景2004年1月3日,国土资源部对江苏省经国务院批准的《关于报批无锡市2003年度城市建设用地的请示》作出544号批复。2004年2月18日,无锡市政府在村民居住的鸿桥村村委会院内贴出征地公告。公告说,要征用该村12公顷的集体土地。7月20日,村民将行政复议申请书挂号邮寄给国土资源部,要求撤销此批复。7月30日,国土资源部答复村民,村民所提复议申请已经超出法律规定的60日期限,作出不予受理的决定。150名村民不服,于年底向无锡市一中院提起行政诉讼,要求撤销国土资源部不予行政复议的决定。2006年3月18日,150名无锡农民状告国土资源部行政不作为案在无锡市一中院宣判。国土资源部一审败诉.法院判决国土资源部受理150名农民针对国土资源部《关于无锡市城市建设农用地转用和土地征用的批复》所提出的行政复议申请。江苏省无锡市滨湖区鸿桥村村民胡雪妹等150名农民,敢于状告国土资源部,受到社会各界关注。 Topic Background January 3, 2004, Ministry of Land and Resources approved by the State Council of Jiangsu Province on the “approval of Wuxi City in 2003 for urban construction land requisition” made 544 approved. On February 18, 2004, the Wuxi Municipal Government posted an announcement of land acquisition in the hospital of Hongqiao Village, where the villagers live. The announcement said that requisition of 12 hectares of collective land in the village. On July 20, villagers registered and sent an application for administrative reconsideration by registered mail to the Ministry of Land and Resources for cancellation of the reply. On July 30, the Ministry of Land and Resources answered the villagers and the villagers’ application for reconsideration has exceeded the 60-day deadline stipulated by law and made a decision of inadmissibility. 150 villagers were dissatisfied and filed an administrative lawsuit at the first court of Wuxi City at the end of the year demanding that the decision of the Ministry of Land and Resources not to grant administrative reconsideration be withdrawn. On March 18, 2006, 150 Wuxi farmers sued Ministry of Land and Resources for administrative omission in a court in Wuxi City. The court ruled that the Ministry of Land and Resources accepted 150 peasants’ applications for administrative reconsideration made by the Ministry of Land and Resources for the Reply on Urban Land Use and Land Acquisition in Urban Construction in Wuxi City. 150 peasants such as Hu Xuemei, Hongqiao Village, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, dared to sue the Land and Resources Ministry for their concern.
Endothelial cell therapy has been implicated to enhance tissue regeneration and vascularization in ischemic kidney. However, no published study has yet examined