A novel chromatic dispersion monitoring method for 400 Gbit/s 256 QAM fiber-optic system based on as

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A novel chromatic dispersion (CD) monitoring technique based on asynchronous amplitude sampling (AAS) is proposed for a higher modulation format and higher rate system. The dispersion and other impairment factors can be separated with the definition of monitoring parameter M. A 400 Gbit/s 256 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) system is built using Optisystem13.0 beta software. Simulations of CD monitoring technique for different bandwidths of sampling Gaussian filter, optical signal to noise ratios (OSNRs) and duty cycles are investigated, and the tolerance is also discussed. Simulation results show that the method can be less affected by noise, and a higher accuracy of 600 ps/(nm·km) can be achieved. The technique supports a wide range of data traffic and enhances operation flexibility of optical networks.
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采用密度泛函B3LYP方法,在6-311 g(d,p)基组水平上优化了不同外电场下2-巯基-5-甲基-1,3,4-噻二唑(MMTD)分子的基态稳定构型、电偶极矩、电荷分布和分子的总能量,在此基础上利用杂化CIS方法研究了外电场下MMTD分子的前9个激发态的激发能、波长和振子强度受外电场的影响规律。结果表明:1C-6S和1C-7S间键长受到Y轴向外电场影响最大,随着外电场的增加,可能最先趋于断裂;在外电场强度F=0.010a.u.时总能量达到最大,而偶极矩达到最小;最低空轨道能级LUMO受外场影响较大,而
基于时域有限差分法(FDTD)对一维金属线栅结构在0.2~2.6 THz波段的偏振特性进行了数值分析,研究了其结构参数如金属占空比、狭缝宽度以及线栅周期对相互垂直的两种偏振模式太赫兹波透射系数的影响。利用光刻和金属膜制备工艺,在1 mm厚的高阻硅衬底上淀积了200 nm厚的金膜,制成了一系列一维金属线栅结构。利用太赫兹时域光谱系统,实验测量了这些线栅结构的太赫兹透射特性,实验结果与模拟结果规律一致。结果表明:适当设计金属线栅周期,同时满足一定的金属占空比要求,其整体偏振和透射性能能够得到优化。金属线栅结构