
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuangdei
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目的评价正念训练改善更年期妇女情绪的干预效果,探索更年期妇女的心理保健模式。方法将处于围绝经期的40~60岁妇女随机分为试验组36例和对照组37例,试验组接受8周正念训练,对照组在此期间不接受该训练方法。采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)、简明心境量表(b POMS)分别于入组时、入组后第9周对研究对象的更年期情绪状况进行基线测评和干预后测评。结果两组研究对象的人口学特征、基线测评结果都均衡可比。干预后测评结果显示,人群中试验组的b POMS总分较基线测评值降低了8.8分,前后差异有统计学意义(t=-3.46,P<0.05),而对照组下降了5.4分,前后差异有统计学意义(t=-2.62,P<0.05);在“抑郁严重指数≥0.50”者中,试验组的b POMS总分较基线测评值降低了17分,前后差异有统计学意义(t=-2.99,P<0.05),对照组差异无统计学意义(t=1.47,P>0.05)。结论正念训练能改善更年期妇女情绪状态,对有更年期抑郁症状者效果更加显著。 Objective To evaluate the intervention effect of mindfulness training to improve the mood of menopausal women and to explore the mental health care model of menopausal women. Methods Peri-menopausal women aged 40-60 years were randomly divided into experimental group (36 cases) and control group (37 cases). The experimental group received mindfulness training for 8 weeks and the control group did not receive the training method during this period. The self-rating depression scale (SDS) and the concise mood scale (b POMS) were used to assess baseline and post-interventional menopausal sentiment during the first 9 weeks after enrollment. Results The demographic characteristics of the two groups of subjects, the baseline test results were balanced and comparable. The results of the intervention showed that the total score of b-POMS in the study group was 8.8 points lower than that of the baseline, with a significant difference between before and after (t = -3.46, P <0.05), while the control group decreased by 5.4 points The difference was statistically significant (t = -2.62, P <0.05). In the patients with severe depression index ≥0.50, the total score of b-POMS in the experimental group was 17 points lower than the baseline assessment value, the difference was statistically Significance (t = -2.99, P <0.05), but no significant difference in the control group (t = 1.47, P> 0.05). Conclusions Mindfulness training can improve the emotional state of menopausal women and have more significant effects on those with symptoms of menopausal depression.
【摘要】随着科学技术的进步,各项经营管理领域都引进了信息化的先进手段,实现档案的信息化管理也逐渐成为人们关注的话题,本文分析一下档案信息化管理过程中出现的主要问题,并提出一些有效的应对措施。  【关键词】档案;信息化;问题;应对措施  【中图分类号】G271 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672—5158(2012)08—0267-02  档案信息化,就是把先进的计算机和网络手段引进档案管理工作
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium encodes two type Ⅲ protein secretion/translocation systems within the pathogenicity island 1(SPI-1)and island 2(SPI-2).
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