董爱民,男,1963年12月出生于河北省昌黎县,汉族,大学本科学历,文学学士学位,中共党员,1986年8月参加工作。 1982年7月至1986年7月就读于河北师范大学政教系,在校期间曾参加省司法厅组织的“人生、理想、前途”巡回演讲报告团,走访了河北省25个监狱、1个少管所,行程2500公里,使大批失足青少年受到教育,其本人因此荣立三等功,河北日报为此作了专题报道。
Dong Aimin, male, born in December 1963 in Changli County, Hebei Province, Han nationality, bachelor degree, bachelor of arts, member of the Communist Party of China, in August 1986 to work. From July 1982 to July 1986, he attended the Department of Politics and Religion in Hebei Normal University. During his stay in the university, he attended the “Life, Vision and Prospect” roving lecture group organized by the Provincial Department of Justice. He visited 25 prisons in Hebei Province and one less Administration, travel 2,500 km, so a large number of young and fatigued adolescent education, which I therefore awarded the third class, Hebei Daily made a special report for this purpose.