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十月,金秋送爽,2009年10月更值得期待!建国60周年大庆必有兵器迷翘首以盼的盛大阅兵仪式。阅兵,既是武装力量的展示,也是国威、军威的显示,更是综合国力的展示。一个国家的强弱,在阅兵场上一览无余。新中国的13次国庆阅兵,影响较大且具代表意义的有开国大典、建国5周年、10周年、35周年和50周年的五次大阅兵,震人心扉。历次阅兵装备的展示,描绘着我国国防力量的发展之路。特别是1999年建国50周年庆典阅兵,大量国产主战装备闪量登场,其高科技含量让国人引以为傲,令世界为之动容。走过了2001年申奥成功的激动,抵御住2003年非典的肆虐,感受着2007年动车组的快捷,在2008年天崩地裂的坚持和奥运的顽强中,我们风风雨雨又十年。这十年,歼-10露了面;这十年,新舰下了水;这十年,飞船上了天;这十年,我们用心在追寻!于是,2009年10月,我们有了更多的期盼!让我们沿着中国阅兵装备发展之路前进吧,看看是谁走进了2009·10?又有谁以2009·10为起点,走向未来! In October, autumn is cool, more worth looking forward to in October 2009. The 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China must have a great military parade grand parade ceremony. The parade is not only the demonstration of the armed forces, but also the display of the national prestige and the military might as well as the display of comprehensive national strength. The strength of a country, glance at the parade ground. During the 13 National Day military parades in New China, there were five influential and representative military parades that marked the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the 5th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, the 10th anniversary, the 35th anniversary, and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The parade of previous parade equipment shows the development of our national defense forces. In particular, the parade for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1999 witnessed a large amount of flashbacks of major domestic-made main battle equipment debuted. Its high-tech content has made the people proud of the world’s attention. After the excitement of the successful bid for the Olympic Games in 2001, we were able to withstand the ravages of SARS in 2003 and feel the quickness of the EMU in 2007. During the ten days of 2008 and the perseverance of the Olympics, we experienced ten years of ups and downs. This decade, F -10 exposed; this decade, the new ship under the water; this decade, the spacecraft on the sky; this decade, our intentions in search! So, in October 2009, we have more Look forward to seeing who is in 2009 · 10 · And who will take 2009 · 10 as a starting point and move toward the future!
美国和苏联最早研制的反卫星武器是反卫星核导弹。这种武器是利用核弹头在目标卫星附近爆炸产生强烈的热辐射、核辐射和电磁脉冲效应,将目标卫星结构部件与电子设备毁坏,干扰射频传输。或使其丧失工作能力。  1959年,美国利用一枚空中发射的弹道导弹,成功拦截了“探索者”4卫星。1960年,美国研制一种名叫“卫星拦截器系统”的共轨式反卫星武器系统来检验和摧毁卫星。但这项计划在试验之前被废除了。  1962年,
目前用于SARS病原学检测的方法主要有血清学和分子生物学方法。本文就巢式RT PCR检测SARS病毒RNA和两种ELISA法检测特异性抗体情况进行分析。1 材料和方法1.1 研究对象 临