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“中部崛起”是统筹区域发展的新思路对中部地区经济发展提出的新要求,也是我国区域经济发展战略进入新的历史阶段的重要标志。“中部崛起”战略与西部大开发战略是一个完整的战略体系。实现中部地区的崛起,面临巨大挑战,需要从战略定位、区域整合、结构调整等方面综合考虑。改革开放以来,国家先后实施了东部沿海开放、西部大开发、振兴东北老工业基地等分区推进的发展战略,使得中部地区处于相对“政策洼地”;也不仅在于,中部地区具有“承东启西、联结南北”的区位优势,我国东部经济的发展已经为具备相当工业基础的中部提供了产业承接和经济崛起的机遇。而近10余年内,我国中部与东部的 GDP 差额比已增加了6倍,西部大开发又使西部投资增长速度大大高于中部。 “The Rise of Central China” Is a New Request for Co-ordinating the Development of the Central Region A new demand for economic development in the central region is also an important symbol of our country’s regional economic development strategy entering a new historical stage. The strategy of “Rise of Central China” and the strategy of developing the West as a whole are a complete strategic system. To achieve the rise of the central region is facing great challenges, which need to be comprehensively considered in terms of strategic positioning, regional integration and structural adjustment. Since the reform and opening up, the state has successively implemented the development strategy of sub-regional promotion such as the opening up of the east coast to the east, the grand development of the west and the rejuvenation of the northeast old industrial base, etc., so that the central region is in a relatively “low-lying policy” or not only in the central region. East Kai-shek, linking the North and the South, "and the development of the economy in the eastern part of our country has provided an opportunity for the industrial undertaking and the rise of the economy for the Central China, which has a fairly industrial foundation. In the recent 10 years, the GDP difference between central and eastern China has increased six-fold. The western development has made the growth rate of investment in the western region much higher than that in central China.
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