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最近两个月中国公布的数据显示经济的下滑速度超出了预期。为保证经济实现“又好又快”增长,中国政府已经宣布了罕见的大规模刺激经济计划。新年伊始公布的数据似乎显示这些正在陆续实施的刺激计划可能已经开始发挥作用,经济实现稳定增长的曙光似乎已经出现。日前,中国物流与采购联合会公布,2008年12月中国采购经理人指数(PMI)出现小幅 The data released by China in the past two months show that the economy has fallen faster than expected. To ensure that the economy is growing “better and faster”, the Chinese government has announced a rare large-scale economic stimulus plan. The data released at the beginning of the new year seem to indicate that these stimulus plans being implemented may already have begun to take effect and that the dawn of a steady economic growth appears to have emerged. Recently, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced in December 2008 China’s Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) appeared slightly
Based on the spatial economy theory and the exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) technology, this pa-per studies the space-time dynamics of regional per cap
语言是日常生活中最重要的交流工具,也是文章表情达意的重要手段。因而,在全国各地中高考作文的评分细则中,语言都是评判 Language is the most important communication to
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1. 他们有许多共同之处。They have ____ ____ ____ ____.2. 他能指望她保守秘密吗?Can he ____ ____ her to keep a secret?3. 这些孩子不好对付。These children are hard
1.他们决心为保卫自己的国家而战斗到底。【错误】They are determined to fight to the last in the defense of their country.【正确】They are determined to fight to t
<正> 安徽省1989年哲学年会于12月11日至14日在淮南市召开。与会者共90余人,提交年会论文50余篇。会议首先进行认真回顾与反思。与会同志指出,在过去的时间里,广大哲学工作者是坚持马克思主义基本原则的,在方法上是恰当的,在研究中突破了传统的理论框架,为哲学的教学和宣传充实了新的内容。但是,前一段哲学研究和宣传工作也有偏差,突出地表现在用所谓马克思主义是一个“学派”,否认它是科学的世界观和方法论;用马克思主义哲学的科学性排斥其党性原则。有的同志还指出,在哲学基本原则上也有偏差,比如,把实
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