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随着癌肿发病率的升高和癌症患者生命期的延长,转移性肺癌的发生率正在逐渐增高,为探讨纤支镜检对转移性肺癌的诊断价值,现将我院所遇的42例转移性肺癌的纤支镜检情况作一报道。 1 资料和方法 1.1 病例确定 从1981年3月~1991年12月,共42例受检者,男性24例,女性18例。年龄28~70岁,平均年龄51岁。本组所有病例均符合下列三条件之二:①患者原有或并无原发肿瘤病史,X线胸片(或CT)表现为任何弥漫性肺部病变;②患者以往 With the increase of the incidence of cancer and the prolongation of the life span of cancer patients, the incidence of metastatic lung cancer is gradually increasing. To investigate the diagnostic value of fibrobronchoscopy for metastatic lung cancer, we have met 42 patients in our hospital. A report was made on the status of fibrobronchoscopy in metastatic lung cancer. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Case Determination From March 1981 to December 1991, a total of 42 subjects were examined, including 24 males and 18 females. Age 28 to 70 years, mean age 51 years old. All cases in this group met the following three conditions: 1 The patient had no history of primary tumors, and X-ray (or CT) showed any diffuse lung lesions; 2 patients had previously
用临床细胞学检查发现6例早期癌:隐性肺癌3例、胃癌1例、结肠癌1例、肾盂癌1例,现报告如下。 例1 男,60岁。痰涂片中连续发现分化好的鳞状细胞癌细胞。在两个月后CT检查见肺
我们活检12万多例中,仅发现2例原发性甲状旁腺囊肿,现报告如下。 [例1] 男性,45岁。因颈部肿物两年入院。入院前无心悸、气短,无手脚出汁及肢体麻木史。近月来自觉颈部有压
先天性鳃裂囊肿(瘘管)临床上比较少见,我科曾收治术前长期多次误诊3例,现报道如下,并就误诊原因进行分析。 一、病例报告 例1 男,21岁。1981年12月6日入院。诉12岁时右耳垂