修炼自我 整合结盟 图强革新 共迎挑战 鼎力推进中国农药工业的全面提升

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二十一世纪即将来临,在这世纪更替、千年更迭的今天,面对经济全球一体化的滚滚浪潮,面对即将跨入WTO门槛的声声脚步,克胜集团作为中国农药工业大家庭的一员,将加强修炼,图强革新,以实际行动促进中国农药工业的发展;与国内同行一道,共同努力,鼎力推进中国农药工业的全面提升。为此,我认为: 一、中国农药企业应当少一份本位观念,多一些团队意识。建国五十年来,我国农药工业从无到有,从小到大,逐步发展壮大,特别是改革开放以来发展速度较快。现已形成了科研开发、原药合成和制剂加工在内的比较完整的工业体系,总产量已居世界第二位。但就整体水平而言,相对一些农药发展水平较高的国家,如美国、德国、英国、法国等,无论在技术装备、工艺设计方面,还是在产业结构和生产规模、经济效益等方面,我国农药发展水平仍然不高,特别在知识产权、成本与价格等方面,国际竞争能力不强。加入WTO后,国外农药公司将凭借其强大的产品研发能力,雄厚的资本实力,丰富的市场运作经验,长驱直入,全面抢滩中国市场。就竞争的具体形式而言,从产品竞争到价格竞争,到品牌竞争,再到战略竞争,其手段日益向高级化和综合化方向发展。 The 21st century is approaching. In this century’s replacement and the millennium change, in the face of the rolling tide of global economic integration, in the face of the threshold of entry into the WTO, Kesheng Group, as one of the largest pesticide industry in China The staff will strengthen their cultivation and innovation, and take practical actions to promote the development of the Chinese pesticide industry. Together with their domestic counterparts, they will make joint efforts to promote the overall improvement of China’s pesticide industry. To this end, I think: First, China’s pesticide companies should be less of a standard concept, more team awareness. In the past 50 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the pesticide industry in our country has grown from scratch and has grown from small to large. It has developed rapidly since the reform and opening up. A relatively complete industrial system, including scientific research and development, synthesis of original drugs, and preparation and processing, has been formed, and the total output has ranked second in the world. However, in terms of overall level, relative to countries with higher levels of development of pesticides, such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France, whether in terms of technical equipment, process design, or in terms of industrial structure and production scale, economic efficiency, etc., China The development level of pesticides is still low, especially in terms of intellectual property rights, costs and prices, and the international competitiveness is not strong. After joining the WTO, foreign pesticide companies will rely on their strong product research and development capabilities, strong capital strength, and rich experience in market operations to drive forward and fully capture the Chinese market. As far as the specific form of competition is concerned, from the product competition to the price competition, to the brand competition, and then to the strategic competition, its means are increasingly developing in the direction of advanced and integrated.
李庄村东头有一户独门独院的青砖瓦房,户主名叫李德普,他是当地大名鼎鼎的水产养殖户,十多年前就承包了村里的水库养殖鱼虾,每年纯收入至少三十万。  这一天,在李家临公路的外墙上张贴出一张大字报,题头几个大字十分惹眼:分家产告儿女书。下面的几行字稍小一些,也非常引人注目:2016年5月8日是我的生日,為了庆贺这个日子,本人特在晚宴上举行分家产仪式,参加活动的除了特邀嘉宾王毅外,其余是我的儿女和亲朋好友。
1.我国己内酰胺的生产与消费概况 1995年—1998年我国己内酰胺(CPL)的生产与消费情况如表1所示。表1 1995年—1998年我国己内酰胺的生产与消费概况 1. Overview of China’
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为了适应市场经济的要求,进一步理顺化肥购销体制。从2000年1月1日起,新疆自治区化肥流通体制作如下改革: 一、改革管理。自治区对化肥流通管理由直接计划管理为主改为间接
一  一场关于走还是留的争论,在被七八张破旧的办公桌分割成迷宫的大办公室里激烈地进行着,有人靠在椅子背上,有人干脆把自己的半拉屁股搁在办公桌边沿上,还有人在桌子之间走来走去,并且不得不绕过栽着半死不活的植物的几个大花盆和靠着桌子的各个侧面摞起来的各种报纸杂志的混合障碍物,更多的人靠着桌子或者文件柜站着,环抱双臂,一言不发,眼神跟着不停变换的演讲者移动着。其实,这只是一场没有实际意义的辩论,真正左右
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