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如何加快企业流动资金的周转速度,是当前摆在绝大部分企业面前的一件大事,也是解决企业资金紧缺的一个重要而有效的途径。笔者认为应主要从以下几个方面做好工作: 一、及时把握市场信息,薄利多销,减少商品资金占用时间。商品经济越发展,市场竞争就越激烈,名牌商品价位虽高却畅销,一般商品的价格与销售量成反比,价位高销量 How to speed up the liquidity turnover of enterprises is a major issue currently facing most enterprises and an important and effective way to solve the shortage of enterprises. I believe that should be mainly from the following aspects do a good job: First, timely grasp of market information, small profits but quick turnover, reducing the time of commodity funds. The more commodity economy development, the more intense market competition, brand name high price but popular, the general price of goods and sales are inversely proportional to the high sales price
11月11日,香港会计师公会(以下简称“公会”)公布“最佳公司管治资料披露进步奖”,中远太平洋在恒指成份股组别中夺得“最佳进步奖”,成为首家获奖的中资公司。 从2000年开
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The city of Tangshan in Hebei Provincehad a population of 1.41 million by the endof 1986,including 618,900 workers andstaff.The housing reform is a new subject
Before 1980,in the development ofChina’s cities,emphysis was laid on theconstruction of new cities and expansionof new urban districts.As for old citiesand ol
基本原理用解析法求节理岩体边坡的安全系数被定义为边坡将要发生破坏时tanΦ和C的降低系数。但不能用单纯形法解极限平衡状态下边坡的平衡方程来求解安全系数α,因为这 Fu