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患儿男,26 d,因右眼溢泪15 d,不吃、少动、皮肤黄染3 d入院。系第1胎,足月顺产,体重3 kg,生后Apgar评分1分钟、5分钟均为10分。母乳喂养,生理性黄疸已在两周内消退。母孕期健康,否认肝炎病史。生后10 d时出现右眼溢泪,近3 d不吃、少动,皮肤黄染重现,四肢凉,有右眼内眦下方隆起皮红。查体:体重2.8 kg,体温35.8℃,脉搏136 次/min,呼吸30次/min。反应差,皮肤弹性差且轻度黄染,未见淤点。右眼内眦有溢泪及 Children male, 26 d, due to tears in the right eye 15 d, do not eat, less moving, yellow skin dye 3 d admission. Department of the first child, full-term birth, weight 3 kg, Apgar score 1 minute after birth, 5 minutes are 10 minutes. Breastfeeding, physiological jaundice has subsided within two weeks. Pregnancy during pregnancy, denied the history of hepatitis. Occurred 10 days after birth, right eye overflow tears, nearly 3 d do not eat, less moving, yellow skin reappear, cold limbs, with the right eyelid bulge under the red. Examination: Weight 2.8 kg, body temperature 35.8 ℃, pulse 136 times / min, breathing 30 times / min. Poor response, poor skin elasticity and mild yellow dye, no bruising point. Right eye infantile overflowing tears and
现代铁路交通对铁路道岔尖轨和道岔的加工提出了高的要求,采用本文所述移动立柱式铣床可以满足各种要求。 Modern railway traffic puts forward high requirements on the
According to the results of physical modelling, SEM and SAM analysis of 20MnMo steel samples, internal cracks of metal parts are recoverable. The motive power
功效温肠暖胃,降逆止呕。方药组成附子1枚(炮),半夏半升,甘草1两,大枣10枚,粳米半升。服法与禁忌上5味,以水8升,煮米熟汤成,去滓,温服1升,日3服。 Warming warm stomach, Ji
本文对平面应力和平面应变状态下不同组配焊接接头的失效评定曲线进行了有限元计算,并对焊接接头失效评定曲线的工程估算法进行了一些初步的研究。 In this paper, finite el
我国三位教授被授予香港医学专科学院(牙科)名誉院士称号应香港牙科专科学院[COllegeofDentalSurgeonsofHongKong,亦称香港医学专科学院(牙科)]主席StephenWei教授的邀请,北京医科大学口腔医学院院长张震康教授、上海... Three p