
来源 :党史纵览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dianq
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今年,我乡订阅《党史纵览》有较大突破,超额完成了县委办公室下达的征订任务。分管党史工作的乡党委副书记王俊礼非常重视《党史纵览》的发行工作,亲自走村串户跑单位,向他们介绍《党史纵览》的性质、宗旨、内容及发行的意义。要求乡党委成员和搞党史工作的同志人手一份,进一步学习党的历史,发扬党的优良传统。同时,对广大党员干部开展党史教育工作。去年没有订《党史纵览》的村支部,今年都争相订阅,并增加了个人订数。 This year, my village subscribe to the “Overview of the History of the Party,” a major breakthrough in exceeding the completion of the county office issued the mandate. Wang Junli, deputy secretary of the township party committee in charge of the work of the party history, attached great importance to the distribution of the “History of the Party History.” He personally took the village serial-run unit and briefed them on the nature, purpose, contents and significance of the publication of the “History of the Party History.” He demanded that a member of the party committee and a comrades engaged in the work of the party history should be given a full hand to learn more about the history of the party and carry forward the party’s fine tradition. At the same time, carry out the work of party history education for a large number of party members and cadres. Last year, the village branch that did not set a “history of the party history” competed for subscriptions this year and added personal subscriptions.
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