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装载机的桥壳既是载荷的承受者,又是载荷的传递者,其受力较复杂。就其传递最大牵引力和满载运行紧急制动两种典型工况而言,反作用扭矩(Tg或人)的计算,在多数资料中均只涉及牵引力Pg或制动力只与滚动半径r。,即Tg一见r。或入一只人由于在装载机轮边减速器这一行星轮系中 Loader axle shell is not only the load of the load, but also the load transfer, the force is more complex. In terms of the two typical conditions of maximum traction and full-load emergency braking, the calculation of the reaction torque (Tg or human) involves in most cases only the tractive force Pg or the braking force only with the rolling radius r. , That is, see a Tg r. Or into a person due to the wheel loader reducer planetary gear
Background:Topical photodynamic therapy(PDT)with 5-aminolevulinic acid(ALA)was first described by Kennedy et al.in 1990;currently,accumulated evidence shows tha
MTC先生: 您好,我有一辆灰色JH125型摩托车,已骑行了1.3万多公里,现有几个问题向您请教。 1.骑行到8千多公里左右时,一次,行驶十多公里后,热车调整正时链条张紧力。两小时后
Objective:To analysis through the mouth atlanto-axial vertebral anterior plate fixation in finite element for the development of the segmental anterior fixation
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简史 1930年Kaieda开始研究内耳的淋巴液。Leoloux研究了内淋巴、外淋巴、脑脊液和血清等之间的渗透压。以后,Waltner指出:外淋巴内氮的浓度比脑脊液的浓度大两倍;Ledoux又
Objective:The aim of this study was to develop the dynamic aids to help students to combine human morphology and function during study,and to understand and mem