1.利空出来人人买,利好出台赶紧卖。因信息不对称,庄家先知先觉,借利好出货,借利空吸筹,股民于是逆潮流而动,反 向操作。 2.大道消息懒理睬,小道消息传得快。公司消息时有泄露,捷足先登者获得多多,故小道消息不胫而走,而大道消息反受冷落。 3.绩优绩差站一
1. bad out of everyone buy, good to sell quickly. Due to asymmetric information, the bookmaker prophecy, by the good shipping, leveraging the air absorption, the stock then move against the tide, the reverse operation. 2. Avenue news lazy ignore, gossip fast. There is a leak of company news, you can get a lot of quick succession, so the avalanche news spread like wildfire, and the avenue news is neglected. 3. Performance merit station one