
来源 :中南工业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huitianfly
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通过对不同状态钢板样(有斑、无斑、浅斑)表面元素组成、形态及其分布规律的分析,并结合润滑剂性能的测试,查明了缺陷样(斑迹)与正常样在表面组成上的差异以及斑迹产生的原因,为解决冷轧钢板表面斑迹缺陷奠定了基础. Through the analysis of the elemental composition, morphology and distribution of the surface elements in different states (plaques, spotless, superficial spots) and the testing of lubricant properties, it was found that the defect-like (stains) The differences in composition and the causes of the stains have laid the foundation for solving the defects on the surface of cold-rolled steel.
The photocatalytic reduction of dichromate using TiO2/beads as a photocatalyst was studied. The results showed that 3.8 × 10-4 mol/dm3 of dichromate can be co
The title complex was synthesized in an aqueous solution at pH=3. 5,and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The com-plex is tricl
(一) 第四届国际摩擦学会议(亦称欧洲摩擦学会议,简称Eurotrib’85)由1985年9月9日至12日在法国里昂召开,这是继在伦敦(1973)、都塞尔多夫(1977)和华沙(1981)之后开的第四届
收到单位通知,工会组织活动,要参与好妻子、好邻居评选,我一下子就激动起来。多年来对妻儿的负疚之情,犹如黄河扬子浪千叠,汹涌而来,令人几乎窒息。我不在乎参与的结果,但看重参与的过程,想借此表达对妻儿,特别是对妻子的负疚及感激之情。  我是一名公安干警,2002年参加工作,14年来,与家人相处的时间更是少之又少。妻子周芮是昭通实验小学的老师,她与我都是独生子女,我们于2004年结婚。  有一个打油诗这
A comprehensive review is presented of reported aspects and putative mechanisms of sleep-like motility rhythms throughout the animal kingdom.It is proposed that
The crystal and molecular structure of 4, 5-trans-2-amino-1, 3, 3-tri-cyano-4, 5-di(4-chlorophenyl) cyclopentene. ethanol - monohydrate has been deter-mined by
Aim:To investigate the changes in synchronized spontaneous Ca~(2+)oscillationsinduced by mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase(MEK)inhibitor PD98059 atdiffer
[摘 要]本文系统地概述了现有知识管理系统存在的问题及知识管理工具为满足动态参与性必须具备的条件,在本体、中间件和应用层3个组件概念层的基础上,构架了一个功能分解的知识管理应用框架,并从功能分组的角度,构建了基于战略的知识管理技术本体。  [关键词]本体;知识管理;体系结构    知识管理(KM)就是通过对企业所拥有的知识资源进行管理,促进企业显性知识和隐性知识的共享和重用,提高企业的市场竞争力。