Acute toxicity of live and decomposing green alga Ulva (Enteromorpha) prolifera to abalone Haliotis

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shen888
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From 2007 to 2009, large-scale blooms of green algae (the so-called “green tides”) occurred every summer in the Yellow Sea, China. In June 2008, huge amounts of floating green algae accumulated along the coast of Qingdao and led to mass mortality of cultured abalone and sea cucumber. However, the mechanism for the mass mortality of cultured animals remains undetermined. This study examined the toxic effects of Ulva (Enteromorpha) prolifera, the causative species of green tides in the Yellow Sea during the last three years. The acute toxicity of fresh culture medium and decomposing algal effluent of U. prolifera to the cultured abalone Haliotis discus hannai were tested. It was found that both fresh culture medium and decomposing algal effluent had toxic effects to abalone, and decomposing algal effluent was more toxic than fresh culture medium. The acute toxicity of decomposing algal effluent could be attributed to the ammonia and sulfide presented in the effluent, as well as the hypoxia caused by the decomposition process. From 2007 to 2009, large-scale blooms of green algae (the so-called “green tides”) occurred every summer in the Yellow Sea, China. In June 2008, huge amounts of floating green algae accumulated along the coast of Qingdao And led to mass mortality of cultured abalone and sea cucumber. However, the mechanism for the mass mortality of cultured animals remains undetermined. This study examined the toxic effects of Ulva (Enteromorpha) prolifera, the causative species of green tides in the Yellow Sea during the last three years. The acute toxicity of fresh culture medium and decomposing algal effluent of U. prolifera to the cultured abalone Haliotis discus hannai were tested. It was found that both both fresh culture medium and decomposing algal effluent had toxic effects to abalone, and decomposing algal effluent was more toxic than fresh culture medium. The acute toxicity of decomposing algal effluent could be attributed to the ammonia and sulfide presented in the effluent, as well as the hyp oxia caused by the decomposition process.
1 江苏卷第 ( 2 1 )题命题人的原意是考查导数、不等式证明等知识 ,考查综合运用所学数学知识解决问题的能力 .在第 (Ⅰ )小题中 ,参考答案所提供的解法是将 y=(x -a) n 按x
初中物理第二册第89页,在介绍扩散现象时,用硫酸铜溶液和清水的界面由清楚逐渐变成模糊来说明液体之间也有扩散现象。 按照教材中的方法制作这个实验有三点不足:(1)“小心”
动量和动能 ,都是度量物体运动大小的物理量 .而且 ,它们对运动进行度量时 ,都只用到物体的质量 (m)和运动的速度 (v)这两个物理量 .动能的概念 ,以及由此而引出的动能定理和
在高中物理、大学物理电磁学以及电工学中均有三相交流电的内容,本文作者给学生做了一组三相交流电的演示实验,培养了学生的观察能力和思维能力,加强了感性认识. 1 三相正弦
定理 1 三角形的内、重、界三心共线且重心在中间 ,重界距离等于重内距离的 2倍 .证明 :设△ABC的内心为I,重心为G ,界心为J ,M为BC的中点 ,连结AJ、MI、IJ,AM ,IJ与AM交于G