数百工人出逃“火海工棚” 红星美凯龙在建工地凌晨失火40多间工人宿舍被烧毁

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随着一声剧烈的爆炸,2006年12月13日凌晨2时30分左右,上海市丹巴路怒江北路口的红星美凯龙一处在建工地内发生火灾,两排40多间工棚宿舍火烧连营,屋内物品全部付之一炬。千余平方米的工棚毁于一旦,工地内的近千名工人紧急疏散。由于报警及时,扑救得当,大火并没有造成人员伤亡。起火的工地是红星美凯龙的在建工地,目前正在进行主体施工。事发后;警方为以防意外在现场设置了警戒线,但从附近居民小区丙登高依然可以看到,起火处浓烟滚滚,不时还有火苗蹿出,刺鼻焦糊味也扑面而来。据了解,火灾发生时,从睡梦中惊醒的近千名工人连忙大声呼喊,并从火场及时逃生。而撤离出来的工人们站在工地门 With a dramatic explosion, at about 2:30 on December 13, 2006, a fire broke out at the Red Star Macalline at the entrance of Nujiang North Road, Danba Road in Shanghai, and fire broke out in more than 40 working quarters in two rows of shelters Even the camp, everything inside the house to pay the torch. Over a thousand square meters of sheds were destroyed once and for all, nearly a thousand workers on site were evacuated. Due to timely alarm, fighting properly, the fire did not cause casualties. Fire site is Red Star Macon’s construction site, is currently under construction. After the incident; the police set up a cordon at the scene to prevent accidents, but still can be seen from the residential quarters near C, the smoke billowing from the fire, from time to time there are flame out, pungent smell also blowing . It is understood that when the fire broke out, nearly a thousand workers awakened from their sleep quickly shouted and escaped from the scene in time. The evacuated workers stood at the site gate
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