The relationship between lymphoblastic pustules (LP) and lichenoid herpes (PL) is controversial. Since the two have clinically similar points and there are a few atypical lymphoid cells in some PLs, there are people It is thought that LP is a variant of PL; while other scholars emphasize the difference in clinical and histological characteristics of the two, and consider them to be separate diseases of different nature. In order to clarify the clinical and histological criteria for identification, the authors compared the clinical records and histological data of 82 PLs and 26 LPs and found that there are many differences in clinical and histological characteristics. Clinically, the age of onset of LP patients tends to be large (average age of onset of LP is 45 years, and PL is 29 years), and the course of disease is longer (50% of patients over 10 years). In some areas of erythema there are clinical findings such as fusion papules, self-healing nodules, tumors, or plaque-like lesions.