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2001年1月6日,瑞雪给古城邯郸披上了银装。在飘落的大雪中,邯郸市钢铁厂原厂长兼党委书记王惠起在法警的押解下,向一辆闪着警灯、已经启动的警车缓步走去。这位曾自诩为钢铁厂“救世主”的知名人物落到今日的下场,完全是咎由自取。经查证,从1998年5月到200? January 6, 2001, snow to the ancient city of Handan put on silver. In the falling snow, the former director of the Handan Iron and Steel Plant and party secretary Wang Huiqi escorted by the bailiff, walked slowly to a flashing police lights, police cars have been activated. The famous figure who once described himself as the “savior” of the steel plant falls to the end of today and is totally blameless. After verification, from May 1998 to 200?
Density functional theory periodic slab calculations were carried out for CO adsorption on a series of Mo modified Pt(111) surfaces to provide an insight into t
直销商 Dell 公司6月上旬宣布在处理器、内存和 CD-ROM 方面增强其 LatitudeXPi 笔记本 PC 系列产品的性能。Dell 公司官员称,Dell Latitude XPiCD M166ST 起价4199美元,配
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泡桐是我国广泛栽培速生丰产树种之一。南方要大面积种好泡桐,解决虫害是重要一环。泡桐叶(Basiprionots chinensis F.)属鞘翅目叶科,是泡桐的主要害虫。分布江西、浙江
The photodissociation of ethyl iodide at 279.71, 281.73, 304.02 and 304.67 nm has been studied on our new mini-photofragment translational spectrometer with a t