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随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,高等教育的体制与办学模式正在发生根本的转变,以与之适应和接轨。就国家部(委)所属高校而言,已提出了部门办,部门与企业合办,部门与地方联办及移交地方办等四种办学模式。比如,大连海运学院就与全国95家交通系统及地方港航企事业单位联合成立了该院董事会,一改过去那种学校与社会实际,与企业需求严重脱节的封闭式办学模式。大学尚且可以与企业合办、与地方联办,作为依附于高校的学报为何不能寻找一种更能与市场经济相适应的办刊模式呢?回答是肯定的。《中国机械工程》杂志已在这方面走在前列。 《中国机械工程》杂志是我国最大的工科学会会刊,负有沟通学术界与企业界的责任,其主要社会功能是促进学术成果转化为企业生产力。其办刊模式的转变,主要做法有两点:一是强化与企业界的联系,(1991年)成立董事会。为进一步密切与企业成员的联系,现正酝酿成立“中国机械工程之友”,发展 With the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system, the system of higher education and the model of running a school are undergoing fundamental changes in order to adapt and integrate with them. In the case of universities affiliated to the Ministry of Nationalities, four modes of running schools have been proposed, including departmental offices, departments and enterprises, departmental and local liaison offices, and the transfer of local offices. For example, Dalian Maritime Academy established a board of directors of the college with 95 transport systems and local port and shipping enterprises across the country, aiming to change the closed-door schooling model that used to be the school and social reality in the past and severed from the needs of enterprises. The university can still co-operate with enterprises and co-operate with local governments. Why can not journals, which are attached to colleges and universities, find a mode of operation that is more suitable for a market economy? The answer is affirmative. China Mechanical Engineering magazine has taken the lead in this area. “China Mechanical Engineering” magazine is China’s largest journal of Engineering Society, responsible for the communication between academia and business community, its main social function is to promote academic achievements into productive forces. The mode of operation of its transformation, there are two main ways: First, to strengthen ties with the business community, (1991) the establishment of the board of directors. In order to further contact with members of the enterprise, the establishment of “friends of China’s mechanical engineering” is under preparation and development
在面对问题时,很多人会作出一些非逻辑的判断,这就是所谓的直觉。而有些判断“应验”了,那么直觉是什么?可靠吗?直觉和第六感是一回事吗?时至今日,这个话题始终热度不减。 I
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The finding of lipid accumulation in the liver, so-called hepatic steatosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is a common condition frequently found in heal
午夜时分,电话铃声把我惊醒,是个男人陌生的声音:“告诉你,你老公抢了别人的老婆,天下人都知道了,只有你还蒙在鼓里。”   我一下惊醒,手和声音一起颤抖:“你是谁?”“和你一样的傻瓜。”话音未落,电话砰地一声断了。我一下坐在地上,脑子一片空白。  等我终于反应过来,拨通了远在珠海的老公的电话:“到底发生了什么事?你究竟瞒着我什么?”老公愣了一下紧张地问:“别听他们胡说!”“那一切都是真的了?她是谁?