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豆沙麻元,色泽金黄美观,体积膨大浑圆,吃口香甜、软糯,深受人们的喜爱.但在制作时,却容易出现麻元不浑圆、膨胀性小、易爆裂等问题.下面仅谈谈自己在制作此点时的一些体会.首先,和面时应保持糯米粉团有一定的软硬度.面团太硬,会发生两种情况:一是不利于包捏成形;二是难以粘裹上芝麻,即使粘裹上了,炸时芝麻也容易脱落.面团太软,麻元包捏后易塌,有的还会漏馅,油炸后体积不浑圆.一般说来,调制糯米粉团时,在糯米粉中加清水,揉至粉团软和均匀、不粘手,就可以了.其次,粘裹上芝麻的麻元应当先入低油温中“浸炸”,直到看见麻元四周有气泡迅速逸出(油温过低则气泡不逸出),麻元浮到油面上为止.这是因为麻元入油锅炸制时,表面支链淀粉膨胀,在膨胀的同时生成糊精,糊精具有一定的粘结性和韧性.糊精的生成有助于麻元继续膨胀.麻元经过油炸后,体积可以达到生坯的2—3倍.如果炸制时,看见麻元四周有气泡逸出,并且能听到声音,表明炸制麻元的油温过高.入锅油温过高,麻元表面淀粉会急速糊化并发生焦糖化反应,使表面变硬变脆,结成一层硬壳,使麻元的膨胀受到限制,出现麻元膨胀性小.若硬壳不能阻止麻元膨胀,麻元就会“爆裂”,爆裂时很容易伤人. Beans and Ma Yuan, beautiful golden color, the volume of large rounded, eat sweet, soft waxy, by the people’s favorite.But in the production, it is easy to Ma Yuan not round, small expansion, easy to burst and other issues. Talk about some of their experience in the production of this point.First of all, and noodles should keep the glutinous rice crackers have a certain hardness.Dough too hard, there will be two situations: one is not conducive to the package pinch forming; the second is difficult to stick Sesame wrapped, even if wrapped in the stick, fried sesame seeds are also easy to fall off.Dough is too soft, Ma Yuan package after the collapse easily squeezed, and some will leak, after the fried volume is not rounded.Generally, the modulation glutinous rice flour When the group, add water to the glutinous rice flour, knead until the dough soft and uniform, do not stick the hand, it can be.Secondly, the linen wrapped in sesame seeds should be low temperature into the first “dip” until you see Ma yuan Around the bubble escape quickly (the oil temperature is too low, the bubble does not escape), Ma Yuan floated up to the oil surface.This is because Ma Yuan into the pan fried, the surface amylopectin expansion, while the expansion generated Dextrin, dextrin has a certain degree of adhesion and toughness. Dextrin production help to continue to expand Ma yuan. Ma fried fried, the volume can be In order to achieve 2-3 times the green body.If the fried system, see the bubble around the Ma yuan escape, and can hear the sound, indicating fried fried Ma Yuan’s oil temperature is too high. Surface starch will rapidly gelatinization and caramelization occurs, so that the surface becomes harden and brittle, forming a layer of hard shell, so Ma yuan expansion is limited, there Ma small swelling .If the hard shell can not stop Ma yuan expansion, Ma yuan will “burst” burst easily hurt.
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鸡蛋乃家庭常用食品,但吃法单调,口味雷同.下面介绍几款既便于制作,又富有风味特色的菜肴.一、油炸甜糕原料:鸡蛋4个面粉100克 白糖75克 油1000克(约耗100克)制法:将蛋清、蛋
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