
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fj123521
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OBJECTIVE: We sought to estimate rates of progression and regression of grad e 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1) among women with human immunodefici ency virus (HIV). METHODS: In a multicenter prospective cohort study, HIV-serop ositive and HIV-seronegative women were evaluated colposcopically after receivi ng an abnormal cytology test result between November 1994 and September 2002. Wo men with CIN 1 were included, except those who had undergone hysterectomy, cervi cal therapy, or had CIN 2-3 or cervical cancer. Those women who were included w ere followed cytologically twice yearly, with colposcopy repeated for atypia or worse. RESULTS: We followed 223 women with CIN 1 (202 HIV seropositive and 21 HI V seronegative) for a mean of 3.3 person-years. Progression occurred in 8 HIV- seropositive women (incidence density, 1.2/100 person-years; 95%confidence int erval [CI] 0.5-2.4/100 person-years) and in no HIV seronegative women. Regress ion occurred in 66 (33%) HIV-seropositive women (13/100 person-years, 95%CI 10-16/100 person-years) versus 14 (67%) seronegative women (32/100 person-ye ars, relative risk 0.40, 95%CI 0.25-0.66; P < .001). In multivariate analysis, regression was associated with human papillomavirus ( HPV) detection (hazard ratio [HR] for low risk 0.28, 95%CI 0.13-0.61, P=.001; and for high-risk 0.34,95%CI 0.20-0.55, P < .001 versus no HPV detected) and Hispanic ethnicity (HR 0.48, 95%CI 0.23-0.98; P = .04); HIV serostatus was onl y marginally linked to regression (HR 0.52, 95%CI 0.27-1.03; P=.06), but serop ositive women were less likely to regress when analysis was limited to 146 women with HPV detected at CIN 1 diagnosis (HR 0.18, 95%CI 0.05-0.62; P = .006). CO NCLUSION: Grade 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia infrequently progresses in women with HIV. Thus, observation appears safe absent oilier indications for tre atment. METHODS: In a multicenter prospective cohort study, HIV-serop ositive and HIV-seronegative women were evaluated colposcopically after receivi ng an abnormal cytology test result between November 1994 and September 2002. Wo men with CIN 1 were included, except those who had undergone hysterectomy, cervi cal therapy, or had CIN 2-3 or cervical cancer. Those women who were included w ere followed cytologically twice yearly, with colposcopy repeated for atypia or worse. RESULTS: We followed 223 women with CIN 1 (202 HIV seropositive and 21 HI V seronegative) for a mean of 3.3 person-years. Progression occurred in 8 HIV-seropositive women (incidence density, 1.2 / 100 person-years; 95% confidence int erval [CI] 0.5-2.4 / 100 person-years) and in no HIV seronegative women. seropositiv e women (13/100 person-years, 95% CI 10-16 / 100 person-years) versus 14 (67%) seronegative women (32/100 person-ye ars, relative risk 0.40, 95% CI 0.25-0.66; P <.001). In multivariate analysis, regression was associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) detection (hazard ratio [HR] for low risk 0.28, 95% CI 0.13-0.61, P = .001; and for high-risk 0.34, 95% CI 0.20-0.55, P <.001 vs. no HPV detected) and Hispanic ethnicity (HR 0.48, 95% CI 0.23-0.98; P = .04); HIV serostatus was onl y marginally linked to regression (HR 0.52, 95 % CI 0.27-1.03; P = .06), but seropositive women were less likely to regress when analysis was limited to 146 women with HPV detected at CIN 1 diagnosis (HR 0.18, 95% CI 0.05-0.62; P = .006 ). CO NCLUSION: Grade 1 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia infrequently progresses in women with HIV. Thus, observations appeared safe absent oilier indications for tre atment.
孕妇25岁,停经28周,平素月经正常,孕期顺利,因B超检查:胎儿左心室内一强回声光团20 mm×16 mm×16 mm,胎儿心胸比为29/53=0.55;胎儿左心室异常回声,提示左心室肿瘤?要求引产。
Objectives: To measure serum and follicular resistin, steroids hormone levels in women with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) (BMI (body mass index)
本文目的是通过对在社区居住的老年跌倒者进行75%极限稳定度测试(75%Limits of StabilityTest,LOS),从而对此项测试的信度进行评估。 方法 50名符合标准的老年志愿者参加本项
目的 探索在我国小城镇中如何减少卖淫妇女人群感染性传播疾病的危险。方法 通过干预实施研究,设计在小城镇卖淫妇女中开展干预的目标和策略,并初步评价实施这些干预策略的效
目的 探讨糖皮质激素受体 (GR)和热休克蛋白 90 (HSP90 )mRNA在糖皮质激素敏感型 (SS)、依赖型 (SD)和抵抗型 (SR)哮喘中的表达及其在SR哮喘发病中的作用。方法 采用反转录
患者,女,27岁.因孕(36±4)周,发热、咳嗽5天由外院转入青岛市市立医院产科.查体:体温39℃,咽扁桃体充血明显,双肺少许干罗音,心脏无异常,胎心144次/min,无宫缩.血常规示WBC 10 9×109/L,N 90 2%,L 7.1%,PL155×109/L,Hb113 g/L.尿常规示酮体+,白细胞5~8/HP,蛋白+.血谷草转氨酶57 U/L,总胆汁酸35.7 mmol/L,总胆红素3
过敏性咳嗽 ,又称咳嗽变异型哮喘 (CVA)是引起小儿慢性咳嗽最常见的疾病之一[1] ,是哮喘的一种潜在形式 ,其病理生理改变都是以持续气道炎症与气道高反应性为特点[2 ] 。本文探