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1995年11月27日—30日,全国人大常委会办公厅研究室、河北省人大常委会及中国宪法学会在河北省石家庄市联合召开了人民代表大会制度理论研讨会、1995年宪法学年会。会议围绕如何充分发挥全国人大及地方人大的作用、加强宪法的作用以及在社会主义市场经济条件下,如何保障宪法和法律的实施等问题展开讨论。全国人大常委会办公厅研究室主任王叔文在会上发言,他认为,与市场经济相适应的法律体系只有以宪法为依据和基础才能建立起来。首先,在民法、商法、经济法方面,宪法规定了现阶段以公有制为主体,个体、私营和外资等经济为补充的多种经济成份共同发展的所有制结 From November 27 to November 30, 1995, the Research Office of the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee, the Standing Committee of Hebei Province People’s Congress, and the Chinese Constitutional Law Society held a Symposium on the System Theory of the People’s Congress and the 1995 Annual Conference of the Constitution in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. The conference centered on how to give full play to the role of the NPC and local people’s congresses, strengthen the role of the Constitution and how to safeguard the implementation of the Constitution and laws in the socialist market economy. Wang Shuwen, director of the Research Office of the General Office of the NPC Standing Committee, made a speech at the meeting. He believes that a legal system compatible with the market economy can only be established on the basis of the Constitution. First of all, in terms of civil law, commercial law and economic law, the constitution provides for the common ownership of the various economic components supplemented by the public ownership as the mainstay, the individual, the private sector and the foreign-funded economy at this stage
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