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中国市场的版图太大,市场容量极大,很多企业恨不得一下子占领全中国,全国大肆铺网。但现实往往使得这些企业发现“全国统一策略”是美好而残酷的长久拼耗资源游戏,体现在渠道规划方面,则更非一招吃遍天下,只能针对不同的区域市场实施不同的市场政策和渠道规划。通常,厂家在制订渠道规划的时候,往往置身于一种前瞻性的战略意图和行业背景之中,政策制订的根据无非来自历年来的经验以及一些权威机构的市场预测数据;然而,当今市场瞬息万变,难有规则可循,并且有的时候竞争对手出招实在太快,不跟进,市场拱手相让、跟进吧,年初制订的计划又得推翻重来。本文借助笔者曾经亲身运作的三个不同的家电品牌(下文皆采取化名的形式描述)在广东市场的不同渠道规划和市场策略,由于这三个品牌在广东市场无论是规模还是销售情况都存在很大的差异,具有普遍的代表性。这三个品牌都曾经通过代理商进行渠道规划并实施,但在市场进展的不同阶段所采取的渠道规划截然不同。第一篇的菲德勒斯品牌属于品牌区域市场渠道规划的改制分析,第二篇的金至尊则是新产品的全国市场渠道规划分析,第三篇主要描述国内强势小家电品牌华强公司在其弱势市场的渠道规划的探索和分析。 China’s market is too large, the market capacity is enormous, many companies can not wait to occupy the whole of China at once, the country wantonly shop. However, the reality often leads these enterprises to find that the “national unification strategy” is a beautiful and brutal long-term resource consumption game. As reflected in the channel planning, it is even more difficult to adopt different market policies for different regional markets And channel planning. In general, manufacturers often place themselves in a forward-looking strategic intent and industry context when formulating their channel plans. The basis for policy formulation is nothing more than years of experience and market forecast data from some authorities; however, the market is rapidly changing There are no rules to follow, and sometimes competitors move too fast, do not follow up, the market surrendered, follow up, plans to make the beginning of another setback. In this paper, I used to operate in three different home appliance brands (hereinafter referred to as a pseudonym) in different channels in Guangdong market planning and marketing strategy, as these three brands in the Guangdong market, both the size and sales conditions exist Big differences, with universal representation. All three of these brands have been channel-planned and implemented through agents, but the channel planning adopted at different stages of market progress is quite different. The first section of the Fidelity brand is a brand regional market channel planning restructuring analysis, the second section of the gold is the new product of the national market channel planning and analysis, the third major description of the domestic strong small household electrical appliance brand Huaqiang company in its Exploration and Analysis of Channel Planning for Weak Markets.
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