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居住在苍山脚下,洱海之浜的大理白族,终年有很多极富民族特色的节日,绕三灵便是其中之一。绕三灵是大理白族的一个盛大的传统节日。每年农历四月二十三日至二十五日,大理、洱源、宾川、巍山等地的白族群众,男女老少,身着盛装,以四面八方成群集队地来到苍山洱海之间,参加狂欢节日“绕三灵”。绕三灵要经过三天。二十三日,来参加过节的人们以大理城南门的城隍庙出发,顺着苍山之麓向北走,是夜聚集到苍山五台峰下的“神都寺”。在这里祈祷或者赛歌,通宵达旦;二十四日,象长蛇阵的人流从神都寺启程,经过喜洲镇的街道,向南绕到洱海边的村庄河诶城,当晚在洱河灵帝庙内祈祷、赛歌;第三天,人群再继续沿着洱海前进,绕到大理三塔东面马久邑村的段公祠,经过祈祷后,各自归家,节日就此结束。绕三灵,白族话叫“观赛览”。白语的“观”即“逛”之意,“赛”是白族对寺庙的称呼,准确的解释应该是“逛寺庙”。有人解释为“绕山林、绕桑林”等。“逛”就是一路慢行,边舞边歌。参加活动的人群以村为单位,抬着 Living in the foot of Cangshan, Erhai Lake Hamamatsu Dali, throughout the year there are many very rich ethnic festival, around the three spirits is one of them. Around three spirits is a grand traditional festival of Dali Bai. The Lunar New Year’s April 23 to 25, Dali, Eryuan, Binchuan, Weishan and other places of the Bai people, men, women and children, dressed in costumes, in all directions and crowds came to Cangshan between the Erhai Lake , To participate in the carnival “around three spirits ”. After three spirits to go through three days. On the 23rd, people who attended the festival set off at Chenghuang Temple in the south gate of Dali City and walked north along the foot of Cangshan. They gathered at the God Temple under the Wutai Peak of Cangshan in the night. On the 24th, the flow of people like the Serpent array departs from the Temple of God, passes through the streets of Xijizhou and goes south to Hecheng, a village on the bank of Erhai Lake. On the night of Erh On the third day, the crowd continued along Erhai Lake and went around to the Ancestral Hall of Ma Jiuyi Village on the east of Dali Three Towers. After praying, they all went home and the festival ended. Around three spirits, Bai dialect called “view of competition ”. White language “concept ” means “stroll ” meaning, “race ” is Bai call the temple, an accurate explanation should be “visit the temple ”. Someone explained that “around the mountains, around Mulberry ” and so on. “Shopping ” is slow all the way, while dancing the song. To participate in the activities of the village as a unit, carrying
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