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在交谈中注意并耐心倾听对方的讲话,不仅是为了知道对方的观点,从对方学到自己所不知道的、不熟悉的情况,而且也是为了表示对谈话另一方的尊重。试想,谁讲话不希望别人倾听呢?即使对方的话讲得啰嗦,也要耐心让人把话说完。在倾听时,如果和对方的观点无大的分歧,可以适当点点头或说一些“Isee”、“Is that so?”、“Alright”、“Oh,my…”、“humm”等感叹语,使谈话气氛更加融洽。如果你不同意对方的论点,可以静静地听,待对方讲完,再礼貌地反驳。比如,“That’s an interesting idea,but…”;“There’s(some)truth in what you sajd,but…”;“I understand why you think this way,but to my Pay attention to and listen to each other’s speech during the conversation, not only to understand the other person’s point of view, to learn from the other side that they do not know, to be unfamiliar with the situation, but also to show respect for the other side of the conversation. Just think, who does not want to listen to what people want to listen to? Even if the other party’s words speak loudly, but also have patience to let people finish the words. When listening, if there is no big disagreement with the other party’s point of view, you can nod or say ”Isee“, ”Is that so?“, ”Alright“, ”Oh, my...“ Exclamations such as ”,“ ”humm,“ etc. make the conversation more harmonious. If you do not agree with each other’s arguments, you can listen quietly and wait until the other person finishes, then politely refute. For example, ”That’s an interesting idea,but...“;”There’s(some)truth in what you sajd,but...“;”I understand why you think this way,but to my
新一代 TOEFL 考试将于2005年9月与考生见面。它将考查考生的四项基本语言技能:听力,阅读,写作及口语。 The new generation of TOEFL exam will meet with candidates in S
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When the plane drifted over the city,whom is that heart throbbing for?You left town when it is still busy,rushing cars all turned mute and grey.Sunset was even