
来源 :长江丛刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lich1234554321
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LOLO失去消息,已有一年。这一年里,我清理了很多次QQ里久不联系且陌生的人。但每次看见他灰扑扑的头像,以及那句日语签名:时光很美好,假如你也在。都会绕过。过来的礼物,他在信里说“实在太懒啦,翻译到了一半,如果再拖下去,就没办法在圣诞节的时侯送到你手上。希望你不要介意”。我翻开,果然,书的前半部分的日语旁边贴了乳白色的便笺,上面写着翻译过来的中文。那年流行写博客,LOLO那时每天晚上都会更新博客,分享在日本的生活,与他熟起来是因 LOLO lost the news for a year. This year, I cleaned up a lot of times in QQ long time no contact and strangers. But every time I saw his gray face, as well as the Japanese signature: the time is good, if you are. Will be bypassed. He said in the letter, “It’s too lazy, it’s half translated, and if you drag it down, there’s no way to send it to you at Christmas, and I hope you do not mind it.” I opened it, and sure enough, the first half of the book next to the Japanese paste the sticky note, the translated Chinese. Blogging popular that year, LOLO will update the blog every night at that time, to share life in Japan, because he is familiar with
本文通过对自诉的实质、成立、审理以及自诉中之反诉等问题的介绍与分析,对刑事诉讼中有关自诉的法律规定作了较全面的评介。 By introducing and analyzing the nature, est
甘肃省经济贸易公司原经理邵育鸿,被检察机关指控犯有挪用公款罪、贪污罪和徇私舞弊造成亏损罪而提起公诉。法院审理后认为:起诉书指控邵育鸿的三个罪名均成立,根据 Shao Yu
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