宿迁的科技产业发展——加强产学研合作 促进地方产业发展

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宿迁地处江苏北部,全市总人口530万人,陆地面积6600平方公里,下辖沭阳县、泗阳县、泗洪县、宿豫区、宿城区。近年来,宿迁市始终坚持把科技创新放在突出位置,不断营造科技创新环境,认真贯彻落实江苏省有关鼓励科技创新创业的若干政策,进一步提升自主创新能力,强化企业在自主创新中的主体地位,推进企业研发机构建设,先后出台了《关于加快推进科技创新创业的意见》、《宿迁市科技发展“十一五”规划纲要》、《宿迁市科技型中小企业技术创新基金暨科技成果转化专项资金管理办法》等鼓励创新创业的若干政策,对促进中小企业技术创新产生了积极的影响。 Suqian is located in northern Jiangsu Province, the city’s total population of 5.3 million people, land area of ​​6,600 square kilometers, administered Shuyang County, Siyang County, Sihong County, Suyu District, Sucheng District. In recent years, Suqian has always adhered to the scientific and technological innovation in a prominent position, and constantly create a science and technology innovation environment, conscientiously implement the relevant policies in Jiangsu Province to encourage science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship, to further enhance the capability of independent innovation, and strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in independent innovation , Promote the construction of R & D institutions, has promulgated the “Opinions on Accelerating the Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” “Scientific and Technological Development in Suqian City,” “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, "Suqian Science and Technology SMEs Technology Innovation Fund and Technological Achievements Some Measures to Encourage Innovation and Entrepreneurship, such as the Measures for the Management of Specialized Funds for Conversion, have had a positive impact on promoting the technological innovation of SMEs.
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