
来源 :中国中小企业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq602602
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中小企业的生存环境堪忧。诸如市场信息不对称,国家宏观调控与指导缺位,资金链紧张等等,致使中小企业成长和发展过程中随时表现出盲目性而遭致败绩。珠三角地区许多企业现正面临或外迁、或转型的抉择。这一过程,迄今还没有相应的机构为它们提供有关信息与专业指导,单靠企业自身强打硬拼,难免会带来持续的资源浪费。 SMEs living environment worrying. Such as asymmetric market information, the absence of national macro-control and guidance, capital chain tension, etc., resulting in SMEs in the process of growth and development at any time showed blindness and suffered defeat. Many enterprises in the Pearl River Delta are now facing or relocating, or transition choices. To this process, so far there is no corresponding agency to provide them with relevant information and professional guidance, relying solely on their own hard-line fight, it will inevitably bring about a continuous waste of resources.
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面对《中国企业成本管理实践与方法》研究报告的调查结果,中国企业在轻舒一口气的同时,还应有新的思考和作为。 Faced with the findings of the “Report on China’s Ente
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
中海电器集团供应链管理系统尚未上线就面临着IT 供应商的抛弃,这是很不幸的。从本案例可知,供应链管理软件是响当当集团的非核心业务,虽然受股市投资失利影响决定砍掉该业
作为一个典型的民营企业,恒安的信息化发展历程,为我们提供了 SOA 必将成为产业发展潮流的一个生动的例子。我们在中国接触过很多厂厂发展历程与恒安类似的客户,有的和恒安