GTC Exhibition and Experience Center Launched

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On May 18, the Exhibition and Experience Center of the Beijing Global Trade Center (GTC) was inaugurated and put into service. A grand inauguration ceremony was held with participation from agent representatives in GTC, which is a complex of Grade-A office units and comprehensive commercial facilities. On May 18, the Exhibition and Experience Center of the Beijing Global Trade Center (GTC) was inaugurated and put into service. A grand inauguration ceremony was held with participation from agent representatives in GTC, which is a complex of Grade-A office units and Comprehensive commercial facilities.
Amnesty International, a human rights organization, released a report on June 11 accusing China of facilitating regional conflicts and human rights violations b
河北邯郸有这样一群奇怪的农民,自己的奶牛养在别人家里,给自己的奶牛挤奶还要听别人指挥。  让养牛户们如此言听计从的人名叫张振海,外号“眼镜”,2001年他突发奇想,借了一百万办起了奶牛托养所,为啥张振海突然转起了这根筋?故事还要从他家里的那一辆小三轮开始讲起。  1997年张振海用多年来攒下的积蓄买了一辆小三轮做买卖,八月的一天张振海去给邻村送货,路上遇到了一个去送牛奶的养牛户。原来他的车坏在路上
China wants the European Union to kick its anti-dumping measures on footwear to the curb Among all the advanced countries and regions, the European Union (EU) i
你是不是在为找不到一个合适的创业项目而愁容不展?是不是由于手头资金不足,致使一个个完美的创业计划在无奈中搁浅?  这里,本刊从众多的新潮电子小产品中选出了一些既实用,又廉价的电子礼品,推荐给你。  如果你是个善捕商机的人,这些新潮小玩意同样适合你,你可以代理产品,亦可将这些产品囊入你的旗下,开店专卖。这未尝不是寻求小投资项目的投资者最为理想的选择。希望我们的心血没有白费。    推荐之一:电子积木
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今年三月,江津师范九二级搞了个十年同窗校友会,除了几个有公务在身的没到外,其余的都从各地赶来参加。由于都是师范校出身,绝大部分都在校园,只不过有的是校长主任,也有不少考了公务员或是转行,进了各级政府。而独有一人,年级轻轻的,已是身价百万,拥有自己厂子的小老板,他就是周钢,在众人的羡慕中,他诉说起他的艰辛的创业历程来。    为理想,停薪南下    1995年周钢毕业后,顺利分到石丰中心学校执教。按
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