
来源 :祖国 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhwa
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你我掌纹契合,在烟花的季节邀约。烟花不会寂寞地绽放,烟花是瞬间即灭的激情,是时间无法估量的白昼。总是在夜里出现的烟花,是一茬卑微的火,在一个看不见的角落,只是忽然间全都亮了。纵使瞬间幻灭,纵使一夜能活,也要极致燃烧,灿烂而终。而我要作为你绽放的烟花,做你眼底的花火,倾尽所有,换与相拥。 You and I palmprint fit, in the fireworks season offer. Fireworks will not be lonely bloom, the fireworks is the passion that instantly extinguishes, it is immeasurable time of day. The fireworks, always appearing at night, were a humble fire, in an invisible corner, all of a sudden all brightened. Even if the instant disillusionment, even if the night can live, but also the ultimate burning, brilliant finally. And I want to be your blooming fireworks, do your eyes flower, do everything, change and embrace.
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