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无论是频发的老板跑路,抑或偶发的事主跳楼,都足以让我们对温州民间高利借贷乱象痛心疾首。高层亦为之震动,并出手扶危。国务院总理温家宝专门赴温州考察中小企业生存状况,并于10月12日主持召开国务院常务会议,确定多项金融财税政策支持小型和微型企业发展。同时,浙江省以及温州市和银行也对当前的高利贷风险蔓延采取了一系列维稳措施。温州当下金融乱象是否能归结为资本逐利下的自食其果?政府应不应该在陷困之际出手相助?我们首先要找出问题的核心症结所在。正是在外部需求不振、国内金融结构调整缓慢的格局下,利率管制下的资金价格扭曲和官民借贷双轨导致了目前的温州金融乱象。对外向型经济路径的依赖,导致温州企业走上一条去实业化的泡沫经济之路,转而投入房地产、民间借贷等局部暴利诱惑之中。从目前的政府干预措施看,仍停留在设法维持温州资金链条不断的路径上,而并没有针对问题症结,破解改革瓶颈,真正放开市场,为民间借贷寻求制度层面的更大出路。多有维稳之功,而少破题之道。如此来看,因为市场的结构并没有丝毫改变,所以金融环境中仍有下一轮危机出现的种子。真正急需要做的,是切实打造有利于民营企业转型升级的政策环境,广开投资渠道,及早实施利率市场化,理顺资金价格。 Whether it is frequent boss running, or accidental jumping off the building, are enough for us to Wenzhou chaos lean chaos civil unrest. High-level is also the shock, and shot help danger. Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, went to Wenzhou to investigate the living conditions of small and medium-sized enterprises. He chaired a State Council executive meeting on October 12 to determine a number of financial and taxation policies to support the development of small and micro enterprises. In the meantime, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou City and banks also took a series of measures to stabilize the spread of the current usurious loan risks. Whether the current financial chaos in Wenzhou can be summed up as self-reaping of capital by profit? Should the government help others in the process of being trapped? Let us first identify the crux of the problem. It is precisely because of the weak external demand and slow adjustment of the domestic financial structure that the twisting of the capital price under the interest rate control and the double loans between the government and the people have led to the current Wenzhou financial chaos. The reliance on the export-oriented economy has led Wenzhou enterprises to embark on an industrialized bubble economy instead of being tempted by local profits such as real estate and private lending. Judging from the current government intervention measures, we are still trying to maintain the steady capital chain in Wenzhou. However, we have not solved the crux of the problem, solved the bottleneck of the reform, and really opened up the market to find a bigger alternative for private lending. There is more power to maintain stability, but less broken topic. From this point of view, because the market structure has not changed by the slightest, there is still the next crisis in the financial environment. What really urgently needs to be done is to effectively create a policy environment conducive to the transformation and upgrading of private-owned enterprises, open up investment channels, markete interest rates as early as possible, and rationalize the capital prices.
受到舱外航天服手套(EVA glove)关节处余压(航天服内外的压差)和编织物挤压的影响,航天员舱外作业时手部力量下降明显,严重降低了力学工效。为了解航天员在舱外作业时手套余
<正> 1955年1月18日的一江山岛战役,是我军首次陆海空诸军(兵)种联合协同渡海登陆作战。战役的胜利,导致了蒋军在美国第七舰队掩护下从浙东海上的战略支点——大陈岛撤逃和浙江沿海所有敌占岛屿的解放。我是中央人民广播电台派出的军事记者,参加了此次战役采访。如今,我已离休,回首往事,当年种种激动人心的情景,犹历历在目,使
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