With phosphate rock, potassium chloride and sulfuric acid as the raw material direct preparation of potassium dihydrogen phosphate process, potassium is an important control project. The determination of potassium by flame photometry is economical and fast. However, due to the presence of a large amount of phosphorus in the intermediate solution during processing, the determination result of potassium is seriously affected. Obviously, if chemical separation is used to remove phosphorus, not only the procedure is cumbersome, but also the potassium loss easily. Using the calibration curve method of simulated test solution, it is difficult to measure the correct result due to the different phosphorus content. In view of the convenience of operation, we tried to use the commonly known phosphate inhibition effect on calcium as a basis, adding a certain amount of calcium salt solution to the test solution to generate calcium phosphate to inhibit the interference of phosphorus to potassium. Through the test table