
来源 :中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lty
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目的探讨X线对体外培养的泡球蚴原头节的杀伤作用。方法无菌采集子午沙鼠体内的泡球蚴中含原头节的囊液,将其加入RPMI 1640培养液中培养。原头节体外培养3 d后分装至培养瓶中,每组10瓶,每瓶约含10 000个原头节,设空白对照组、低剂量组(15 Gy和30 Gy)、中剂量组(45 Gy和60 Gy)、高剂量组(75 Gy和90 Gy)、阿苯达唑组(2 500 ng/ml)、45 Gy X线+2 500 ng/ml阿苯达唑组和75 Gy X线+2 500 ng/ml阿苯达唑组。X线照射剂量率为200 cGy/min,源皮距为100 cm。体外培养第4天开始照射,每组共照射3次,每次间隔1 d。首次照射后第1天开始每天取原头节培养液,0.1%伊红染色,光镜下计数每100个原头节中着色原头节数目,每组计算300个原头节的平均死亡率,直至实验组原头节全部死亡为止。同时光镜下观察经X线照射后原头节的变化。结果不同放射剂量组的原头节死亡率与空白对照组间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。阿苯达唑组原头节死亡率与放射线联合阿苯达唑组间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且显著高于空白对照组(P<0.05)。其中,X线联合阿苯达唑组与单用X线组原头节死亡率间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。X线照射前原头节饱满、轮廓清晰、结构完整,X线照射后的原头节多呈外翻型,原头节顶突上的小钩排列紊乱,部分脱落,吸盘突起变形,结构塌陷,死亡。结论 X线可在体外杀伤泡球蚴原头节。 Objective To investigate the killing effect of X-ray on the prothallium of Echinococcus granulosus cultured in vitro. Methods Azooplastis was initially collected in aseptic cecum of Meriones unguiculatus and cultured in RPMI 1640 medium. The primate sections were cultured in vitro for 3 days and then filled into culture flasks. Each group consisted of 10 bottles, each containing about 10,000 prions. The control group, the low dose group (15 Gy and 30 Gy), the middle dose group (45 Gy and 60 Gy), high dose (75 Gy and 90 Gy), albendazole (2 500 ng / ml), 45 Gy X ray and 500 ng / ml albendazole and 75 Gy X-ray +2 500 ng / ml albendazole group. X-ray dose rate of 200 cGy / min, the source skin distance of 100 cm. In vitro culture began on the 4th day of irradiation, each group co-irradiation 3 times, each interval of 1 d. The first day after the first day of exposure, the first day began to take the crude culture medium, 0.1% eosin staining, counted under light microscopy, the number of colored primitive head per 100 of the head of the head, each group calculated the average mortality of 300 head , Until the experimental group all the death of the original head up. At the same time, observe the changes of the protuberances after X-ray irradiation under the light microscope. Results There were significant differences in the ratio of primal turbidity to blank control group in different dose groups (P <0.05). The differences in the rates of protoscoleces and albendazole between albendazole group and albendazole group were statistically significant (P <0.05), which were significantly higher than those of blank control group (P <0.05). Among them, the difference between the X-ray combined albendazole group and the sole X-ray group was statistically significant (P <0.05). X-ray full of primitive head before the festival, the outline of a clear, structural integrity, X-ray protuberances were mostly everted type, the protuberance on the head of the small hook arranged disorderly, part of the fall, sucker process deformation, structural collapse, death. Conclusion X-ray can kill protozoa of the cysts in vitro.
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