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课堂是教学的主阵地,教学过程是学生品读教师的过程,如果教师能够带给学生智慧的启迪,巧妙地使用多媒体这一教育新元素,结合教学资源的形、声、光和色,可以有效地渲染气氛,撞击学生的思维火花,从而使我们的课堂教学焕发诱人的魅力。一、生动课堂的展现“没有兴趣的地方就没有灵感和智慧。”新异的活动能激起学生大脑皮层的兴奋点,唤起他们的学习兴趣。传统的“一支粉笔进课堂”的简约教学模式强调以教师为中心,学生只是被迫地学习,没有丝毫的兴趣可言。而多媒体的使用可以很好地解决这一问题,其生动的画面和优美的音乐丰富了教学内容的呈现方式,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性和主动性,使得原本枯燥的学习变得轻松而愉快。 Classroom is the main position of teaching. The process of teaching is the process of students ’reading. If teachers can bring enlightenment to students’ wisdom and skillfully use the new element of education, which is combined with the shape, sound, light and color of teaching resources, Rendering the atmosphere, impact students spark of thinking, so that our class teaching glow attractive charm. First, the vivid classroom show “no interest where there is no inspiration and wisdom. ” New and exciting activities can arouse students’ excitement in the cerebral cortex to arouse their interest in learning. The traditional teaching mode of “a piece of chalk into the classroom” emphasizes that the teacher is the center, students are only forced to study without any interest. The use of multimedia can be a good solution to this problem, its vivid images and beautiful music enrich the presentation of teaching content, can fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students to learn, making the original boring learning has become relaxed and enjoyable .
With the world‘s population estimated to grow from six to nine billion by 2050,researchers,businesses and governments are already dealing with the impact this
“How was your blind date?”a college student asked her21-year-old roommate.“Terrible!”the roommate answered.“He showed up in his1932 Rolls Ryce.”“Wow!That