树立信心 投身教改 坚守阵地 迎接挑战

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上海市中学生物特级教师严重威等从一个角度概括了上海市免考生物学7年来的教学情况,从中可以看出免试生物学的阴影已被他们光彩照人的成果冲淡。文中写道:“关键是抓住了一种机遇”。这一机遇就是(暂时)摆脱了高考指挥棒的束缚,改变了原来千校一面的教学模式,从局限于课堂教法改革变为以素质教育为目标的对大纲、教材、教法、考试、实验等各个方面的全面改革试验。循此而往,经过一段时间的分散实践再总结归纳出一些成功的经验,必将有益于素质教育质量的提高、有益于生物学为国民经济服务、有益于与国际接轨。诚然,一地一时的实践不会是全面的,我们希望各地多一些这样进取的生物教师,把你们的教改经验投寄我刊,更欢迎年青教师的来稿。 Shanghai High School Biological Special Grade Teacher Weiweiwei summarized the teaching situation of Shanghai exemption biology for seven years from one angle. It can be seen that the shadow of exempt biology has been diluted by their brilliant results. The article wrote: “The key is to seize an opportunity.” This opportunity is (temporarily) getting rid of the shackles of the college entrance examination baton and changing the teaching model of the original one-hundred-and-a-half school. From the reform of the classroom teaching method to the goal of quality education, the outline, teaching materials, teaching methods, examinations, Experiments and other comprehensive reform tests in various aspects. Following this, after a period of decentralized practice sums up some successful experiences, it will surely benefit the improvement of the quality of quality education, be beneficial to biology to serve the national economy, and be beneficial to international standards. It is true that the practice of one-on-one will not be comprehensive. We hope that more and more advanced bio-teachers from all over the world will send your educational reform experience to our magazine and welcome the contributions of young teachers.
通常对摆钟问题的解法较繁,学生不易理解。现介绍一种思路简单容易求解的方法。 [题目] 每一昼夜慢6分钟的摆钟,其摆长为99.1厘米,若要使摆钟走时准确,应如何调整它的摆长?
彩虹鲷又叫红罗非鱼、红吴郭鱼,其体色鲜艳,味鲜可口,是市场上的畅销品。我们于2003年在昌里水库进行了彩虹鲷养成试验,取得较好效果。现把主要技术措施介绍如下:1 材料与方
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