再现科学家的探究过程 激活创新意识——解析两例化学竞赛题

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在近年来的化学竞赛中,常把科学家的探究过程或科学构想以信息的形式给出,同学们经过阅读、理解、消化信息,并联系旧知识,去分析、对比、判断、概括、归纳、综合,从而创造性的解决问题。因此,这类题不仅有利于考查同学们的阅读和理解能力、抽象和概括能力、分析和综合能力,还能培养同学们的科学方法和科学精神,诱发同学们的创新意识,激励同学们去求知、探索、创新。 例1 17世纪,英国著名科学家普利斯特里为研究空气成分做了下列实验:用一玻璃钟罩将一根燃着的蜡烛和一只实验用的小老鼠一同扣上,一段时间后蜡烛渐渐熄灭,小老鼠也开始抽搐,直 In chemical contests in recent years, the scientist’s inquiry process or scientific concept is often given in the form of information. After reading, understanding, and digesting information, the students contact old knowledge to analyze, contrast, judge, summarize, and summarize. Synthesize and thus creatively solve the problem. Therefore, such questions are not only conducive to the examination of students’ reading and comprehension abilities, abstract and generalization abilities, analysis and comprehensive abilities, but also to cultivate the scientific methods and scientific spirit of the students, evoke the students’ sense of innovation, and motivate the students to go Seek, explore, innovate. Example 1 In the 17th century, the famous British scientist Prestry conducted the following experiments to study the air composition: Using a glass bell, a lighted candle and a lab mouse were snapped together. After a period of time, candles were used. Gradually extinguished, the little mouse began to twitch, straight
在通常情况下,物质呈固、液、气三态,随着科学技术的发展,人们发现,在超高温或超高压下,物质分子、原子甚至原子核的稳定性遭到破坏,形成新的聚集态——等离子态和超固态。 1
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一、相同点 1.分子、原子、离子都是体积、质量很小的不断运动的粒子,分子、原子、离子之间都存在一定的间隔。 2.分子、原子、离子都是构成物质的粒子。例如,水由水分子构
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