天下没有免费的午餐,可总有便宜的午餐吧? 铺天盖地的广告、五花八门的促销、印刷精美的招贴画、形形色色的促销品,眼见一个又一个的营销攻势,就像一顿顿铺排豪华的盛宴。对于实力雄厚的大企业来说,在市场上高投入地跑马圈地、呼风唤雨,似乎是其营销的应有之义。 但手头紧巴的中小企业就不一样,有限的资金既要用于购买原料、添置设备、培训员工,又要用于传播推广、促销活动、终端建设等。吃不起丰盛大餐,能不能有快餐盒饭?营销费用动辄捉襟见肘的中小企业,能不能少花钱多办事,甚至不花钱也办事呢? 我们邀请专家和企业人士,带着来自营销前沿的见解和案例,做成了本期专题。他们将与你一起探讨:在享受市场这道精美的午餐时,怎样在买单时得到更多折扣和忧惠,还拥有愉快的就餐经历;怎样不仅花钱更少,还能赢得更多怎样不仅能得到“轰动效应”,还能获得“轰动效益”! ——主持人
There is no free lunch in the world, there can always be a cheap lunch? Overwhelming advertising, a wide variety of promotions, beautifully printed posters, all kinds of promotional items, seeing one after another marketing offensive, like a meal of luxurious luxury feast. For the strength of large enterprises, the high investment in the market staking their horse, do anything one’s share, seems to be the proper meaning of its marketing. However, small and medium-sized enterprises at hand are not the same. Limited funds are not only used for purchasing raw materials, purchasing equipment, and training staff, but also for dissemination and promotion, promotion and terminal construction. Can not afford sumptuous feast, can have fast food lunch? Marketing costs are often stretched small and medium enterprises, can spend less on more work, do not even spend money on it? We invite experts and business people, with marketing from the forefront of Insights and cases, made this issue. They’ll be discussing with you how to get more discounts and benefits when paying for a nice lunch on the market, a delightful dining experience, and how to not only spend less but win more Can get “sensational effect”, but also get “sensational benefits!” --host