推进“三工”建设 铸造企业辉煌

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青藏铁路格尔木至拉萨段,全长1142公里,是国家进行西部大开发的标志工程。中铁五局(集团)有限公司承担了望昆至不冻泉的第5标段和在当雄的第27标段的施工任务,合同总价近14亿元。其中第5标段全长47.26公里,处于海拔4300米至4700余米的雪域高原上,连续多年冻土,高寒缺氧,低气压,大风速,强辐射,多地震,长1686米的昆仑山隧道被誉为世界高原冻土第一长隧,工程任务异常艰巨,施工条件十分艰苦。 为了认真贯彻江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想和党的全心全意依靠工人阶级的指导方针,切实关心青藏铁路广大参建职工的身体健康,维护职工合法权益,促进企业施工生产,自2001年集团公司组织队伍进入青藏铁路施工以来,我们牢固树立以人为本的指 Qinghai-Tibet Railway Golmud to Lhasa, a total length of 1142 kilometers, is the country’s western development mark project. China Railway Fifth Bureau (Group) Co., Ltd. undertook the construction of the fifth tenders from Wangkun to Wuzhuiquan and the 27th tenders at Dangxiong with total contract value of nearly RMB 1.4 billion. The fifth section of the total length of 47.26 kilometers, at an altitude of 4300 meters to 4700 meters of snow-covered plateau, continuous permafrost, alpine hypoxia, depression, high winds, strong radiation, earthquakes, Kunlun 1686 meters long Hill Tunnel is hailed as the world’s first high-altitude tundra permafrost, the project is extremely difficult task, the construction conditions are very difficult. In order to conscientiously implement Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important thinking of the “three represents” and the party’s all-out reliance on the guidelines of the working class, and earnestly care for the health of the vast numbers of participating workers on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers and promote the construction and production of enterprises. Since 2001, Since the construction of the team to enter the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, we have firmly established a people-centered approach
本文探讨了如何发场井冈山精神。作者认为井冈山精神是一种民族精神,是一面旗帜,我们应该永远留住它。 This article explores how to send out the spirit of Jinggangshan
一个研究组近日称 ,到 2 0 0 3年 ,亚太地区的互联网使用者将达到 1 8330亿 ,美国为 1 6 2 80亿 ,欧洲为 1 6 2 2 0亿。亚太地区将取代美国成为互联网的统治者。然而在 5年内
此文认为,抗战时期,随着沦陷地大量文化名人、文化机构迁入贵州,客观上使贵州教育文化事业得到发展。 This article argues that during the war of resistance against Japan,
人物老甄女,五十多岁。老贾男,六十来岁。 [广场一角,长椅一条。 [老贾上,边走边哼唱《大花轿》。老贾 (唱)太阳出来我爬被窝, 爬出了被窝我唱秧歌, 秧歌唱给我妹妹听啊, 听