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当今世界,知识越来越成为提高综合国力和国际竞争力的决定性因素,人力资源越来越成为推动经济社会发展的战略性资源。任何一家追求卓越的企业,如果要想在市场竞争中持续获得优势,就必须重视人力资源开发和管理,离开了对人力资源卓有成效的管理,就不会存在持续的竞争优势和卓越的企业。由于我国体制等多方面原因的制约和限制,企业在人力资源管理上还存在很多问题,没有做到人尽其才,从而降低了企业的竞争力,限制了企业的发展。为使企业立于不败之地,管理层必须对当前企业人力资源管理存在的问题积极地采取相应的对策,科学地开发和有效地利用人力资源使其发挥最大的效益,从而维持企业的生存并促进企业可持续发展,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 In today’s world, knowledge has increasingly become the decisive factor in improving overall national strength and international competitiveness. Human resources have increasingly become a strategic resource for promoting economic and social development. Any enterprise that strives for excellence must pay attention to the development and management of human resources if it wants to continue to gain advantage in market competition. Without effective management of human resources, there will be no continuous competitive advantage and excellent enterprise. Due to the restriction and restriction of many reasons such as the system of our country, there are still many problems in the management of human resources in enterprises, which have not done their best to reduce their competitiveness and limit their development. In order to make the enterprise an invincible position, the management must take the corresponding countermeasure to the current enterprise human resource management problems actively, develop and utilize the human resources scientifically and make the most effective use of it, so as to maintain the survival of the enterprise And promote the sustainable development of enterprises, so that enterprises in the fierce competition in the market remain invincible.
本文以河北省永清县永清镇为例,简要介绍了当地新型农村合作医疗制度的运行状况,分析了制度实行中存在的问题,并提出了促进其可持续发展的对策及建议。 This article takes