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在黄土堡乃至整个土塬上,王有坤是出了名的“土地主”。这土地主的意思一是说他家地多,二是说他几十年来从未离开过靠山塬,最远的地方是塬下的集市。村里的青壮劳力几乎都到外面打工挣钱了,唯独他却着魔似的侍弄着土地。黄土堡地少人多,人均只有一亩多地。当年分地时,王有坤家只有爷爷、父亲和他自己三口人应分近四亩地。如今,虽然爷爷、父亲已经去世,他家的地却增加了不少。至于他家到底有多少亩、多少块地,村里人弄不明白,王有坤婆姨大叶也说不清,只有王有坤本人知道。每想到爷爷、父亲和自己那些劳累来的地块,王有坤就暗自得意。 In the Loess Plateau and the entire land, Wang Youkun is notorious “Landlord ”. The meaning of this landowner is to say that he has a lot of land, and secondly, that he has never left the mountainous plateau for decades and that the farthest place is the market under the plateau. Almost all young and middle-aged people in the village work outside to earn money, except that he acts magically on the land. Loess Fort to fewer people, only one acre per capita. When the sub-year, Wang Youkun only grandfather, his father and his three people should be divided nearly four acres of land. Today, although his grandfather and father have died, the number of his family has increased a lot. As for how many acres in his house, how many pieces of land, the village people do not understand, Wang You-kun Po uncle also can not tell big leaf, only Wang Youkun himself. Every time you think of grandpa, father and their tired land, Wang Youkun secretly proud.
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