Standards of Reporting Kampo Products (STORK)in research articles

来源 :Journal of Integrative Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ru438185839
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There had been no standardized rules for citing ethical Kampo products used in clinical trials in journal articles. Although the name of a Kampo manufacturer was described in 77.9% of research articles, the name and ratios of crude drug components of Kampo formulas were not described in 77.5% of these papers. Considering the importance of proper characterization of interventions in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials(CONSORT) checklist, we hereby propose the use of the Standards of Reporting Kampo Products(STORK) website,, as a reference for Kampo products. This will provide an official source on the internet for verified information on individual Kampo formulations for citation purposes in clinical research articles. There was been no standardized rules for citing ethical Kampo products used in clinical trials in journal articles. Although the name of a Kampo manufacturer was described in 77.9% of research articles, the name and ratios of crude drug components of Kampo formulas were not described in Considering the importance of proper characterization of interventions in the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) checklist, we hereby propose the use of the Standards of Reporting Kampo Products (STORK) website, http://mpdb.nibiohn / stork, as a reference for Kampo products. This will provide an official source on the internet for verified information on individual Kampo formulations for citation purposes in clinical research articles.
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