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巍巍群山环抱之中,雄伟的大坝,宽阔澄净的水面,新奇的湖光山色,斜阳的余辉洒落在波光粼粼的水面。若不是岸边巨大的招牌上“黄河三峡”几个字,我以为自己已置身于南方的秀山丽水。曾在壶口瀑布看到“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”的壮观景象。黄河在峡谷中咆哮急行,颇有浊浪排空、移山倒海之势,涛声拍岸,胸中涌动的是万般豪情,万种思绪。在中原的许多地方,断流的黄河也曾时时进入我的眼帘,她静静地匍匐在河床底部,是那样的平静,人们很难感觉到她的流动,在浊黄如铜的河面之间,随处可见裸露的河床,仿佛在诉说着长途跋涉的疲倦与艰辛。此时,眼前的巨大的土石坝拦住了 Towering among the mountains, the majestic dam, the wide clear water, the fresh lake and the sun’s afterglow shine on the sparkling water. If it is not a huge sign on the shore “Yellow Three Gorges” a few words, I thought I had exposure to the South Xiushan Lishui. In the Hukou Waterfall, I saw the magnificent sight of “the water of the Yellow River came from the sky and went to the sea no longer”. The Yellow River growling in the canyon urgent, quite clear sky emptying, moving the trend of the sea, the waves beat the shore, my heart is surging in the million pride, thousands of thoughts. In many parts of the Central Plains, the Yellow River, which had been shut off from time to time, once again came into my sight. She was quietly crawling on the bottom of the riverbed so calm that it was hard for her to feel her flow, , Bare riverbed everywhere, as if to tell the tired and difficult long journey. At this point, in front of a huge earth dam stopped
伽玛刀是一种放射神经外科设备 ,系瑞典神经外科医生LarsLeksell于 1 968年开发成功并应用于临床。一、伽玛刀治疗的特点优点 :①由于治疗时线源和靶点处于固定状态而能确保 0 1mm的高精
To evaluate the water storage and project the future evolution of glaciers, the ice-thickness of glaciers is an essential input. However, direct measurements of