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雾失楼台,月迷津渡,桃源望断无归处。可堪孤馆闭春寒,杜鹃声里斜阳暮。驿寄梅花,鱼传尺素,砌成此恨无重数。郴江幸自绕郴山,为谁流下潇湘去?宋代词人,秦观尤擅吟愁弄恨。愁、恨,在他的笔下是多姿多彩的:《江城子》“便作春江都是泪,流不尽许多愁”,是流动的愁;《浣溪 The fog lost the stairs, the moon fans ferried, and Taoyuan looked off without reference. The Kankan Isolation Museum closed in cold springs, and Du Fu’s voice shook Yang. Send plum blossoms, fish transfer scale element, build this hate heavy numbers. Fortunately, Lijiang River revolves around Lushan, who has flowed to Xiaoxiang? For the Song Dynasty poets, Qin Guan is particularly good at making hate. Embarrassment and hate are colorful under his writing: “Jiang Chengzi” “It will be tears in Chunjiang, and there will be many blemishes”.
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如图 1 ,设H是欧氏平面上圆的弦AB的中点 ,过H的弦CD ,EF的端点连线CF与ED分别交AB于I,G ,则AI=GB .这就是平面几何中的蝴蝶定理 .它可以“纯平面几何”地证明 ,也可以用解析几何的方法证明 .运用
对国际上颇有争议的有关熟能生巧的几个问题进行了一些调查分析. 2. Several investigations and analysis were conducted on several internationally controversial issue
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64岁的盛荣怎么也没有想到,一次自作主张的放贷造成的损失,使得他在离开财政所长岗位8年、退休4年后再次被人关注,而且被检察机关推上了被告席。最近江苏省海安县法院公开开庭审理了这起由滥用职权引发的刑事附带民事案,在全国首次作出了对滥用职权者除追究刑事责任外,还被判承担民事赔偿责任的判决。    私自借贷  位于黄海之滨的江苏省海安县老坝港镇是海安县唯一的沿海乡镇,一条不足8公里的海岸线创造了多个全国
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